Father, Brother, Informant

896 11 1

*Takes place during the Ray Burke storyline. Will contain material from the show and mine as well. Will try and make this my version not from the show*

*Picks up from previous chapter*

Luna- 11

Will had continued to treat Ray like it was nothing, after the blow up he and Gia had he wanted to make it up to her. Especially knowing their daughter had heard them fighting. That was a sucker punch to Will. He never wanted her to hear him or Gai fight, it then put her in the middle something Will never wanted for his daughter.

One morning after Will dropped her off at school he went to see his ex. Gia was doing some light house work and stopped when she heard a knock at her door she had gone to check it. When she opened it she saw Will holding a coffee tray and a bag of food.

"Can we talk?" Will asked.

"I guess, I don't have to be at work till this afternoon. Come in" Gia replied.

Will stepped inside the house and they went to the kitchen, he passed her a coffee and a sandwich from the bag. He then took one for himself.

"I'm sorry about the other night. About the fight" He started.

"All I'm asking Will respect my wishes. If I can respect yours, the least you can do is respect mine. You ask me not to bring Luna around the district, me and Jay, you ask me not to bring my work home. You are literally involved with a mobster. A murderer. He asked to see her Will. I don't want Luna around him"

"Alright. I won't bring her to meet him. But Gia, I've been her parent a lot longer than you. You can't dictate who I can bring her around. It involves her safety yes but don't tell me who I can and cannot bring around Luna"

"But it's ok for you to tell me who I can and cannot bring around her?"

"I didn't say that and you know I didn't. I don't want to fight. I won't bring her to see Ray. And as far as if we wanna bring Luna around anyone, we talk and discuss it first. Anyone you wanna bring around Luna, we discuss it together and same with me. I want us to have a good relationship and friendship for Luna, when she said she heard us fighting. That was a punch to the gut"

"I don't wanna fight either. I had a funny feeling this case would somehow jeopardize our relationship"

"I'm the same way. It's bad enough I'm lying to Natalie, I don't wanna put my relationship with you and Luna in danger either"

Gia wanted to tell him something she found out but she didn't know how to tell him, it would start a huge fight.

"Before I go in later I'll make sure to drop Luna off at the hospital with you. It's best she stays with someone during this"

"That should be no problem"

Will soon had to leave for his shift, Gia hated lying to him but this part shouldn't come from her. As much as she wanted to tell him it would affect their relationship. She didn't want that for them or their daughter.

The morning had slowly passed and the afternoon approached, Will had been at work and with Natalie discussing wedding plans.

"I was thinking, if it was ok with you and Gia of course. I'd like for Luna to be one of the bride's maids" Natalie says to her fiance.

"I'd think she'd love it, I'll ask her and Gia. But I do think she would love it"

Natalie smiled and kissed his cheek rubbing her nose against it as well. Will smiled and kissed her. Just then Will had been hit with a small force as he looked to see his daughter hugging. Looking down and smiling seeing his daughter.

Luna HalsteadWhere stories live. Discover now