Dance Disaster Pt 1

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*Will leaves for Witness Protection. This is going to be a two parter. I won't like me either. Not everything will be mentioned from the show, this will be my version. Enjoy!*

Luna- 11

Will had been doing everything he could to keep Hank and the FBI happy about the case with Ray, he swore he was finally finished. Or so he thought. His and Natalie's wedding was fast approaching. He still couldn't help but feel guilty for betraying Natalie by kissing Gia. But none of that had mattered at that moment, it was the day of the father-daughter dance with his little girl. He was going to push all the drama and other crap away and finally focus on his daughter.

Ever since the case with Ray, being an informant for the cops and feds, worrying and dealing with Natalie and Gia, he had lost sight and focus of his daughter. Truth be told whenever he saw her even if it had been for a few minutes, it was as if all his problems had disappeared. Nobody wanted anything from him. He could have some peace with his princess.

That morning Will had gone to pick up his suit and tried it on, it was perfect. This was going to be a good day. No spying for anyone. No being an informant. His main focus was going to be Luna. Nothing was going to break his focus away from her. He needed this. Just as he was adjusting the suit and fixing it the door of the shop had opened and two of Ray's sons had come in. When Will had seen them he held his hands up waving them back or attempting to.

"Sorry boys, not today. I have something important to do with my daughter" Will told them. If Gia had heard him, she would have torn his head off.

"We need you, pop fell it looks bad," Tommy said.

"Tommy, you need to take him to the hospital. He needs a doctor and a hospital. You need to take him in"

"He needs you, he trusts you"

Before Will could get another word out they had taken him out of the store. This was not how he wanted to spend today. He had a funny feeling that if he missed this or was late, Gia would have his head and his little girl's heart would be broken. Looking down at his watch he saw it was still early and if he had gotten this done he could still make it to be with his daughter.

Tommy glanced at him. "You got some place more important to be at?"

"Actually Tommy, I do. I have somewhere to be with my daughter if you must know" Will tried not to be snarky, but this was the one day he wanted for himself and Luna.

Tommy didn't say anything they had driven through the city in silence. Will glanced at the sky and just hoped Gia wouldn't kill him and he wouldn't break his daughter's heart.


Luna had been with her mother all day, thankfully the eleven-year-old didn't have school so the two were going to spend the day getting ready for the dance. Gia had taken her daughter to get her hair done. While the young girl was getting her hair washed Gia was on her phone and frowned when Jay called. She had stepped outside and took the call.

"Jay? What's wrong?" Gia asked, answering her phone.

"Have you heard from Will today?" Jay's voice sounded urgent.

"Not since he was going to pick up his suit this morning. He said after that he wanted to surprise Luna before her dance tonight. Jay, what the hell is going on?"

"I went to the shop where Will was getting his suit, the worker said Will left out with two guys"

"Ray. It had to have been his sons to get him. Is Luna in danger?"

"Most likely, we have to start taking every precaution we can. Get Luna and get some place safe until we know for sure"

Looking around Gia made sure she and her daughter weren't followed, for now they had been safe. The female detective had made sure to carry her gun with her but had kept it out of reach and sight of her young daughter. She hadn't expected this to go down today of all days, any other day but not today.

After taking a few minutes she had gone in, Luna was getting her hair brushed and curled. Gia had lost the worried and panicked look and focused her attention on her daughter.

"You look so beautiful sweetheart" Gia told her daughter.

"Thank you mom. Do you think dad will like it?" Luna replied.

The mother had felt her heart swell and flutter when she had heard her daughter ask that. Gia knew she had to keep a straight face from alarming her daughter. There wasn't a chance she could tell her daughter that Will was in any kind of danger, she wasn't scaring or frightening Luna for no reason.

"I'm sure he'll love it sweetie, come on let's go home and get ready"

"What about daddy?"

Gia felt her throat tighten. She couldn't tell her little girl the truth. Not without scaring her or endangering her.

"He'll be soon. Let's go honey"

The mother and daughter left as someone had been watching them from afar. 

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