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Since the CCTV cameras on the roof caught my 'fight' with Osamu yesterday, and then I spoke back to a teacher, I'm currently sitting in the classroom holding detention today.

It's an hour long, and you're supposed to either do the homework that landed you in there in the first place, or if you're in there for something else, write an apology or do other homework tasks.

So that means that in theory, I should be writing an apology letter to Osamu and the teacher, but I don't see why I should do either.

Looking at the grey haired boy sat a few rows infront of me, I struggle to feel sympathetic or regretful. He bothered me first, so it's his fault. Plus it wasn't even a proper fight, I just wanted to get my phone back.

As for the teacher, he talks to everyone like shit anyway. Just because I stood up for myself and didn't let him slate me, that means I should apologise? No.

To top it all off, guess who's sat in the desk next to me. The weirdo, aka Suna. He's got like 4 homework assignments infront of him, but instead, he's turning them into paper aeroplanes and throwing them at Osamu. I laugh a little when one hits him directly in the head and he turns round, looking annoyed.

I look at the clock, and see we still have half an hour left. So I decide to begin rummaging through my bag, trying to find something to entertain me.

I notice that book I found in my locker, the 'dangerous games' one. So I pull it out and begin flicking through the pages, actually becoming a little interested at all these games without different danger levels and difficulty.

"Where'd you get that?"

I ignore Suna's voice, thinking he's talking to someone else. Until a paper aeroplane lands on my desk, and on one of the wings it says 'where did you get that book?'

"Found it in my locker, it's not mine."

"I know it's not yours, it's mine."

"How would you know? It's in my locker. I doubt it's one of a kind, the discount price tag is still on the back."

"It is mine. I lost it, and now you have it."

"Whatever.", I throw the book carelessly in his direction, "You really are a weirdo."

"Think what you want.", he deadpans.

Suna is the kind of person that annoys me the most. He likes to instigate things, and then just drops them half way through. So he gets me mad one second, and then acts as if nothing happened the next.

I roll my eyes and don't reply. So for a few peaceful moments, he's not talking with his annoying voice and I don't hand to listen.

"You're actually quite pretty, I didn't expect that.", he suddenly states whilst looking at me with his chin resting on his palm.


"I just complimented you."

"Yeah but it was a backhanded compli-"

"Shush, the teacher's coming back in."

"No you shu-"

"No talking (y/n).", the teacher's voice dictates from the front of the room as he goes to sit down at his desk.

For fucksake.

I try to go on my phone to pass time, and it works for about 15 ish minutes, but then the teacher gives me a look as if to say 'put it away and you'll make both our lives easier', so I comply, and that's when a piece of paper slides across my desk and parks infront of me.

'hi' it reads.

I look at Suna who's clearly trying hard to act as innocent as possible. I scrunch up the paper into a ball and throw it over my shoulder.

"That was rude, it had my number on as well.", Suna mutters whilst getting out of his chair to pick up a pen he supposedly dropped.

"Well I don't want your number."

"Fair enough. I'll just get yours from someone."

"Don't try it."

The bell rings, signalling the end of detention. I quickly swing my bag over my shoulder and hastily leave the classroom. I walk down the hall towards my locker, planning to leave all my books at school, when a hand grabs my shoulder.

I quickly spin round and see Atsumu standing there. He's wearing a sheepish grin.

"What is it?"

"What do you think about Suna?"

"Annoying, creepy, definitely into some crazy shit. Why?"

"No I mean...what do you think about him?"

"What? Like I said, annoying, creepy, and definitely into-"

"Do you think he's hot (y/n)? You look at him with heart eyes."

"I met him yesterday and he managed to piss me off 3 times in one sitting, that's not someone I'd look at with 'heart eyes', Atsumu."

"(nickname). Lets not play guessing games. I already know."

"One, don't call me that. Two, you know fuck all."

"We'll finish this later (y/n), I've gotta go get a train."

"Straight from school?"

"Clothes are in my bag.", he points to his rather full backpack and then continues, "I'm going to Omi's anyway. See you Monday, make sure you text me!"

Ah, Sakusa and Atsumu. They're made for each other and they know it, even if Sakusa won't admit it to me. I know he loves Atsumu, and Atsumu definitely loves him. Sometimes, Sakusa comes here to visit and stays at the Miya household, and on other occasions Atsumu goes to see him for the weekend. Whenever Atsumu comes home after a trip there, he's all dreamy and giddy for a few days.

"Hello (y/n)."

"Goodbye Suna.", I reply, recognising his voice without even having to turn around.

He's so creepy, I'm actually scared of him at this point.

"Wait. Can I-"


"You don't even know what I was gonna ask.", he pouts whilst narrowing his eyes at me a little and stuffing his hands into his pockets in a strop. That was a little cute, I guess.

"I have to get home. Bye Suna.", I dismiss.

"I was just gonna ask for your number again.", he replies whilst I start to walk away.

"And how did that work out?"

He doesn't reply, and I don't look back. However, I feel his piercing gaze watch me until I'm out of the building.

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