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(tw- graphic descriptions of violence)

(play song throughout, song is moonlight sonata by Beethoven)

When I fling the door open to Rintarou's hospital room, he's not in there. Then I remember that today he's having the final surgery the doctors can offer.

I nearly cried on the way here. Thinking about how I could've been too late, how I could've lost him forever and it being mine fault.

I know I'm not too late though, because all over the room, are copies of his love letter to me. They're printed all in different sizes, some with a black background, some with a white one, some with a red one. They cover almost the entire room, the only place not being covered is the chair I usually sit in when I visit.

Closing the door behind me, I notice a different piece of paper stuck on the door. 'Sit down' it reads. I look back over my shoulder at the untouched chair. My eyes dart around the room, for anything else, anywhere else I could sit, but everything is covered.

I hesitantly walk over, sitting down on the chair. I perch on the edge, feeling immediately closer to the person who's been stalking me.

My vision feels blurry as my eyes scan the room once more. I glance at the drawers next to me. Of course there are copies of the letter all over it, but one of them is cut out into an arrow shape which is pointing down.

I open the top drawer, and find the original love letter, just sitting there.

Another thing inside the drawer, beneath the love letter which I immediately snatch and put into my pocket, is an envelope labelled 'timeline'.

Confused, I open the envelope, and a roll of paper falls out. It looks like a comic strip. I grab the roll and begin to unravel it, feeling my sanity unravelling alongside it.

It begins with a photo of when Rintarou and I first agreed to fake date. Underneath, it says 'fake dating begins'. Then, a photo of us making it official, with the label 'fake dating ends, real dating begins'.

The strip continues like this, giving an accurate account of everything that's happened to me in the past months. Amira's attack, locked in the cabin in the woods, even mine and Rin's first time. All of these photos are on here, in perfect order and with perfect description.

Its the end of the strip that scares me most though. Its a photo of Rintarou in his hospital bed, lots of doctors surrounding him, and its labelled 'Rintarou's death'.

Just then, the door swings open. Someone walks in the room and I freeze, not wanting to look up.

"I told you, you needed to go back to square one.", a voice speaks. I hear the door close.

"This was you?", I ask, still looking down at the timeline.

"Of course it was."

Footsteps approach me, and a gloved hand finds its way underneath my chin, and lifts my head up.

I lock eyes with Lani.

"Why? What did I ever do to you?", I ask, slapping her hand away from me.

She steps back. She's wearing all black, from head to toe. She's even dyed her hair black.

"You took what was mine. I want to take him back.", she refers to Rintarou.

"You were the ringleader, weren't you? You set Amira on me, and then Remy."

"I did, yeah.", she shrugs. "I didn't think Remy would try and kill her own brother though. Both of those bitches were crazy, but clearly she was worse than I thought."

I purse my lips. "You think he's gonna want you back after this?"

She scoffs. "Still a loudmouth bitch I see, even scaring you shitless can't stop you from talking shit."

"No, I'm just saying, he's clearly already in love with someone else. Couldn't you see that when you were reading and making copies of this?", I wave the love letter in my hand.

She snatches it from me, I hear a little tear. Just like that, an all too familiar feeling rises inside of me almost instantly. Anger. I feel so unbelievably angry right now. I haven't felt this way in weeks. I feel like my usual self, the way I acted before.

How could she try and take this from me? I did nothing to her, ever. She didn't even know my name before I got involved with Rintarou. She had no right to do any of this.

I wonder what her parents think. There's no way they didn't notice their daughter scheming for months on end. Unless she hid it really well.

"You broke into my house, whilst my Mum was there?"

"Yeah. I didn't meet her though. Glad I didn't to be honest, if she's anything like you then I wouldn't want to."

I get up from the chair, and punch Lani right in the nose. I hear a slight crack.

She stumbles back, but I don't give her time to recover. I slam her full force into the wall, and punch her in the face again, this time knocking one of her teeth out.

Lani tries to fight back, she knees me in the stomach, which makes me stumble, then she tries to punch me, but I smack her hard across the face, temporarily winded.

When I first agreed to be Rintarou's fake girlfriend, my biggest concern was being found out. I already don't have a great reputation around school because of my violent outbursts, but adding fake girlfriend to the list? It basically would've told everyone that nobody wanted to get with me for real.

I lunge onto Lani, we both fall onto the floor, with me on top of her and pummelling her face. She wails, but I keep going relentlessly. One of her eyes is turning bloodshot as I attack her face with my fists.

When Rintarou and I became a real couple, my biggest concern was it being toxic. With my anger that I seem to be incapable of controlling, and his tendency to get jealous and taunt people, I figured it would be a dangerous pairing. Not only that, but the fact he would be my first proper relationship. I was worried that if it turned sour, I'd be put off love forever.

Lani bites my hand, making me leap back. She pushes me into the chair and punches me in the face, her ring hitting my jaw and slicing my skin deeply. She laughs almost manically at the sight of my blood, despite her face already being covered in her own.

My biggest concern now? Losing the boy I've fallen madly in love with.

I grab Lani's hair, ripping a fistful out from her scalp, making her scream, but I cover her mouth before any sound can slip out as she slips down to her knees.

"You don't get to play innocent. You tried to ruin my life.", I tell her, before kicking her in the face. "Do you know how much I care about him? You could never even compare. All this psychotic, stalker shit, its nothing in comparison to the way I feel. I'll happily go to jail for killing your ass."

She looks up at me as I grab her by her hair, smiling with bloody teeth and gums. "Who's psychotic now?", she spits blood and saliva at me, some trickling down her chin, saturating the already dried blood there. "You won't kill me. How will you save your boyfriend?"

"He's fine. I know where he is.", I scowl at her.

I watch as she flutters in and out of consciousness. Eventually, I let go of her hair and she falls, having to catch herself with her hands.

By now, her face is almost unrecognisable. Stringy hair covers her face as she coughs, spitting out blood onto the floor and her hands. Her nose is clearly broken, its red and misshapen. Her eyes are the only thing that I left alone, besides the one bloodshot one, but they dart around rapidly like a lizard's eyes.

"Y'know (y/n), I think you and Rintarou are made for each other."

"Can you just shut the fuck-"

I'm cut off, as the door to the room opens and doctors pile into the room, Rintarou, on his bed, being brought back into the room after his surgery, still unconscious.

All the doctors stare in shock at Lani and I, and we stare back.


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