So I have been staying up a LOT recently. Oh yeah if you get triggered by bad spelling or bad stuff like , because I can't spell B. Anyways. So what is the deal with sleep people always say "you need lots of sleep to get through the day." When I stay up all day and feel the same . Is that me being weird or is that everyone? I've just been
trying to find out what even say it when most people don't really get sleep? Ok for a adult in the past said to me "Oh you need more sleep." Then all I could think was, really? I feel fine whenever I wake up, sure I don't remember like 7 hours of the day and what time I woke up, but at the same time when I'm not tired I forget what 7+9 is. Now get ready for a AWFUL joke. Life. Anyways
that's my stupid rant on sleep. If you are still here thanks bro :) oh wait, I need this to at LEAST be 40 seconds WHAT BULL IS THAT, you guys should be able to read my 7 seconds of trash! Anyways more on sleep, so whenever I get sleep I feel like "wow, I could have done so much things, like fight a mummy, or climb up a tower or finding something that doesn't exists(like complete equality, also we will get on this topic later) oh wait not my video but watch Ricegum DISS TRACK by void yes I'm padding the time but seriously do it. It slaps more hard then the stories about BUSSY I read
Me ranting about random things
De TodoLook I'm not putting effort into this. This is just a safe community to rant.