Chapter 8

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~Andy's POV~

After Ashley had put himself back together again we discussed our relationship. He made me promise to break up with Scout immediately and I said I would. Ashley told me to take out my phone and set up a date and tell her on that date. So here I am getting ready for it. It was a Saturday morning, and everyone was being lazy on the bus. CC was still sleeping, Ashley was reading some magazine with scandally-clothed women on the front so I'm guessing its a porn magazine. Jinxx and Jake were eating cereal and watching cartoons. I sighed and fussed over my hair that was not being cooperative. There wasn't enough hairspray to fix this bad hair day so I just left the bathroom.

"Andy catch." Jake tossed me my phone and I fumbled to catch it, dropping it anyways.

"And that is why I don't do sports." I picked it up and shoved it in my back pocket.

"Relax Andy. It can't be THAT bad." Jinxx tells me before shoveling a big spoonful of Lucky Charms in his mouth.

"Not that bad? 'Hey Scout thanks for meeting me here. I'm gay and breaking up with you for Ashley' yeah that'll go over well." I rolled my eyes and he shook his head, eating another spoonful. Some milk ran down his chin and Jake wiped it off causing Jinxx to blush madly.

"Okay did I miss something?" I raised an eyebrow at them. Jake looked down at his lap, turning redder by the second and Jinxx shook his head vigorously.

"N-Nope nothing new here!" He says rather hastily.

I covered my mouth after my jaw dropped. "Oh my God. You two-"

"Now Andy it's not what you think-"

"Oh really?" Jinxx sighed and nodded slowly confirming my suspicions.

"Awww!" I kinda squealed like a little girl. I hugged Jinxx and he blushed. Jake leaned against him and Jinxx put his arm around the him.

I laughed. "You two are so cute together!" I had completely lost track of time so when Ashley told me I was late for my date, I took off like a bat outta Hell.


I walked into the Starbucks and saw Scout sitting at a table in the far left next to the window. I went over to take a seat.

"Hey Andy." She smiles and stood to give me a kiss. It felt wrong but I kissed back as to not raise suspicions. I sat and she smiled again.

"I got you something. It's more like a treat then coffee." Scout giggles and pushes the tall cup towards me. Chocolate chip frappichino. My favorite. We know each other's coffee orders by heart. Her's was a mocha latte. I sipped it thinking how I'd break the news while she talked about what's been going on in her world lately.

"What's on your mind Andy? You look zoned out."

"Huh? Yeah we need to talk Scout." I reached across the table and put my hands on hers.

"Okay.....if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're breaking up with me." She laughs nervously. I sighed and she turns serious. "Your-Your breaking up with me Andy?"

"Yes I am breaking up with you. I know you don't wanna hear clichés but its not you it's me."

"Is there another girl? Are you cheating on me?" I saw her bottom lip start quivering and I prayed she didn't start crying.

"No there's not another girl."

"Then why Andy?"

"I don't know how to say this because its never happened before."

"Just say it."

"Okay then-" I took a deep breath and decided to be blunt with her. "-Scout I'm gay."

"Are you okay Andy? Did you hit your head I something?"

"No I'm fine."

"Clearly you're not. I'm gonna take you back to the bus and you get some rest and forget this ever happened."

"No we have to break up! I'm gay!"

"Okay. I'm leaving now, just call me when you have your priorities straight." Scout grabbed her coffee and left. Well that could've been worse. She walked back. "I almost forgot." She took my half empty coffee and dumps it on my head before stalking off again. Spoke to soon..... People started pointing and laughing at me, while others started taking pictures of me. This generation is so heartless! I stood and ran to the men's room. I looked in the mirror and brushed a tear as it fell. I reeked of coffee and I looked like a raccoon in a waterpark.

"How bad could it be? I've never been more humiliated in my life." I texted Jinxx then begged him to come get me. Some guys followed me in and still were carrying on and making jokes at me. Jinxx came in as I was trying to remove the black lines from my face.

"Do you smell coffee?" I pointed at my hair and sniffled. I can't believe I'm letting these people get to me.

"C'mon Andy lets just go home." He puts his arm around my shoulder and quickly led me out of the Starbucks. I wanna die, I just wanna curl up and die. Where's Ashley's blade when I need it?

~Ashley's POV~

I was laying on the couch, messing with some chords on my bass when my phone goes off.

"Don't ask how it went. Don't ask about the coffee smell. Please? Trust me." It was from Jinxx.

"Hey did y'all get this text from Jinxx as well?" CC asks.

"Yeah. What coffee smell?"

"I don't think it went well." CC adds and I continued playing my bass. The door swung open and immediately the smell of coffee filled the bus. In walked Jinxx and a flustered Andy behind him. Andy reeked of coffee and had faint black lines down his face. He's been crying. But why? Whatever Scout said or did to him i'll make her regret it. Andy went straight to the bathroom and I heard the water come on.

"Alright Jinxx what's up?"

"Andy had coffe dumped on him by Scout." Jake gasps and CC demanded why. I simply sat up and put my bass aside.

"What are you thinking Ashley? What ever it is, it can't be good." I slipped on my biker boots and made my way to the door. I plan to get to the bottom of this little situation.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now