Chapter 10

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~Andy's POV~

Where the fuck is Ashley?! He said he was coming home but that was hours ago. I had spend the last few hours walking the streets, screaming his name till I was hoarse. I've texted and called him about a million times praying he'd answer and say he just got lost or sidetracked and he was almost home. At least if he's okay, my mind is playing the cruelest jokes on me imagining the worst things that could've happened to him. Jake had to come out and drag me back to the bus. I was a hot mess, curled up in Ashley's bunk. I was hugging his pillow when my phone went off. I jumped and snatched it up hoping for Ashley. It was Scout. She sent me a picture so I opened the text and had a heart attack. It was dark but i could just see Ashley in it. He was unconscious, at least I pray he was, and all tied up. I chucked my phone at the wall as hard as I could and hugged his pillow, bawling. Ashley.......please be alright. Please.

~Ashley's POV~

I opened my eyes and blinked, trying to see in the darkness of the room I was in. It was cold and I shivered then tried to rub my arms but they were stuck above my head. I heard chains jingling and realized I was chained to a wall. I panicked and called out.



"ANYONE?!......." A door opened and light flooded in. It blinded me for a second and I had to close my eyes.

"Well look who's awake." I tensed and strained at the chains. The voice was Scout.

"Now now Ashley you're gonna hurt yourself." She says with mock concern. I glared and kept straining as she came closer and got in my face, like I was some animal she was inspecting. Scout frowns and smacked me. I blew the hair out of my face and then spit in hers.

"EWWWWW!" She wiped it off with her sleeve and smacked me even harder.

"How dare you come between me and Andy?!" I remained silent so she kicked me in the side. "Answer me!" I will not satisfy her by answering or showing pain. Scout continues to kick my sides until we both heard a loud CRACK! Oh God I wanna cry, I wanna cry so fucking badly. I bit my lip hard. No I will not cry. I think she just broke one of my ribs. She kicks me once more and then closes the door leaving me in darkness once more. The thought hits me that Scout is just insane enough that i may not walk away from this. I let out a little cry of despair and sniffled, hanging my head. Andy.......I love you. I'm so sorry.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now