Chapter 12

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~Andy's POV~

*time skip: 1 month*

It's been so fucking long since I last saw my baby. The police were still out searching for him and so was I. The guys said they'd help me look, but they weren't as committed to finding Ashley as I was; I haven't slept in weeks, pulling all-nighters just scouring the streets, alleys, bars, ANYWHERE. I was BEYOND desperate.

"Andy you haven't slept in weeks, not to mention eaten a bite since Ashley went MIA. We're worried sick for both of you. Please, you're no help to Ashley like this. Go get some food and then some sleep. We'll let you know if we or the police find anything okay Andy?" Jake says one day before I went out looking again.

"N-No I have to k-keep looking!" I sobbed.

"Andy we can't stand seeing you like this. Please. CC is gonna stay back with you while me and Jinxx go out with the police and search."

"F-Fine. Keep Jinxx in your sight Jake. Y-You never know when s-someone will come and t-take him from you." Jake nods sadly and CC came and hugged me. I sobbed on him and he held me tightly. Jake and Jinxx left together and CC insisted I eat something. Ashley please be alright.......I can't be without you. P-Please.

~Ashley's POV~

After Scout had broken or fractured a multitude of my bones, she finally took me to a hospital. She made up some bullshit excuse as to my broken bones.

"He got into a really bad accident." I stayed silent when I could've easily cried out for help. I wanted to continue living so I didn't say a word. I was supposed to stay for about a week and during that whole time, Scout never left my side. Very early in the morning the next day, when a nurse came in to check on me I slipped her a paper and motioned for her to remain silent. It was a note, my silent cry for help.

"She's holding me against my will. Please believe me and call this number. Tell Andy I'm fine and that Scout has me in her basement. Please don't make a scene until AFTER we've left, or she'll kill me. She's insane." The nurse's eyes widened but she nods and folds up the paper. She placed it in her pocket and went about her business like nothing happened. I laid back and pretended I was sleeping. I really hope this gets to Andy in time and that Scout doesn't find out. I've never really been one for religion, but you best believe I was praying like there was no tomorrow. Who knows, there might not be for me.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now