Lil kageyama crow (kagehina)

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Kageyama's pov

"What the hell-" I say, looking at how giant my bed looks, then I look at my hands, seeing wings instead. "OI THE FUCK IS THIS-!?!?!" I try to calm down and jump off my bed.

" everything looks gigantic" I walk over to the full body mirror in the corner of my room and look at my reflection, a stunned look on my face.

"Oi- im- a crow?" My hair's normal but apart from that I'm a crow- how the hell did this happen? How do I turn back? "Oh shit-" I say, remembering Shoyo was supposed to come and hang out today, I cant just let him see me like this- he'd probably be freaking out, or squish me- but what the fuck do I do?

I walk around back and forth in my room thinking, but get irritated not figuring out how to fix this, before long I hear a knock at the door.

"Shit- that's boke" I start walking out my room, but then I remember I'm a crow right now, I can just fly there, I start flapping my wings and I fly to the door and land on the handle, not gonna lie that was fun.

"Wait- I can't open the door with some small wings, ugghhhhhh" I jump a few times on the lock of the door and unlock it, then fly to the coffee table in the living room "the doors open dumbass!"

No one's pov

Hinata walks in and is a bit confused as he doesn't see kageyama right away, then he looks over and sees a small crow with Kageyama's hair on the coffee table "Eh? Bakayama? Is that you?" Kageyama glares at him and yells from the table "of course it's me you idiot! Who else would be in here!" Hinata blinks in confusion a few times "but you're- a bird- you're a crow? How?"

"IDK IDIOT I WOKE UP LIKE THIS" hinata tilts his head then starts laughing "OI WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING ABOUT!?!?!" Hinata's laughing so hard that he wipes his tears away "pfft- n-nothing nothing its just-.... YOU'RE LIKE 10x SMALLER THAN ME NOW HAHAHAHA WHOS THE SHORTY NOW XDDDDD"

"I- YOU FRICKING DUMBASS QUIT LAUGHING ITS NOT FUNNY I NEED TO TURN BACK" hinata calms down, still laughing a bit, then he walks over and picks kageyama up in his hands "you're so cute, you're a lil kageyama crow, it'd be great if you stayed like this" he says and lifts kageyama up to eye level, and can notice the kageyama crow blushing "awww the little crow is blushing"

Kageyama rolls his eyes "will you shut up already you dumb idiot" hinata laughs a bit more "Yeah yeah fine, actually since you're so tiny, I COULD give you a little peck and not get hit" kageyama blushes more and his eyes widen a little "O-OI BOKE HINATA BOKE DONT YOU DARE KISS ME!!"

"Not like you can do much about it" hinata says and moves kageyama closer to his face, his face gets redder as hinata gets closer.

Suddenly kageyama turns back into a human, the problem is....when he turns back, kageyama is naked.

Hinata's pov

"I-" the same shocked face that I have is the same as Kageyama's, my eyes trail down his body by accident. My face goes completely red as I see his dick and I look back up at him, he covers it and just looks at me, his face being red as well.

"U-uh- S-SHOYO YOU DUMBASS WHY WOULD YOU LOOK DOWN-" I hear him yell at me and shut my eyes, covering my red face "I-I-I DIDNT MEAN TOO, I JUST GOT CAUGHT OFF GUARD AND MY EYES JUST WENT DOWN"

"Whatever you dumb pervert, im gonna go put clothes on!" He says and starts walking backwards to his room, but why backwards? He's still covering so- oh wait ok he's not turning around so I won't look at his ass, ok makes sense. "Pffft bakayama so cautious for what?" He glares at me so I shut up.

"Don't be an idiot I just don't want you staring at me like a creep" I roll my eyes "Oh come on kageyama-kun I'm not a creep."

He rolls his eyes at me "Yeah right anyways I'll be going now" he continues to walk backwards to his room and laugh a bit as I watch him. I hear his bedroom door close and I go sit on the couch. I think of what just happened, damn i didn't think he'd be so....big- "God what am I thinking-"

He comes out a little bit later in some sweatpants and a light blue hoodie "awh I'd rather see you without those~" Wait what did I just say- I cover my mouth as soon as I realize what I just said. Kageyama's face is literally like: O.O "HINATA BOKE WHATS UP WITH YOU TODAY" I keep my face covered "I DONT FUCKING KNOWWWW" he rolls his eyes and sits on the couch, he seems to be thinking about something, out of nowhere he looks at me and asks "oi boke, what are we?" I get caught off guard a bit and blush "uh- what you mean, we're teammates, and uh- friends-?"

"Hm well are we only just friends? Or are we something more?" Another question that caught me off guard, I stand up "well- I think we're more- but maybe you don't think the same so"

Kageyama's POV

A smile can't help but appear on my face so I cover my mouth, wow so he does think we're more than just friends. I'm so happy- maybe it'd be a good time to confess right now.

"I do think the same actually, and since i think we're more, I think it'd be good to tell you" I get up off the couch infront of him, looking into his milk chocolate brown eyes "Hinata Shoyo, I'm in love with you" I confess while a bit of blush shows on my face, I watch as his face goes red and his eyes go wide.

"I-i-im in love with you too K-kageyama Tobio" he stutters out, I smile then lean towards him and kiss him.

He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my neck as I wrap mines around his waist, as the kiss progresses and deepens I pick him up. Once we part from the kiss he looks at me with one of those bright smiles he always has on, I smile back and he lays his head on my shoulder. 'God this may be the happiest day of my life so far.'


I wanted to make a lil story with crow kageyama cuz the little crow is so cute like look at this beauty

I wanted to make a lil story with crow kageyama cuz the little crow is so cute like look at this beauty

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