You're mine (Tsukikage)

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Vampire Tsukki 👍

Tsukishima's Pov

It's 1:00am, the perfect time for me to go hunt, I change into my bat form and fly around looking for any house/building with an opened entrance. I notice a big house, and a living room window slightly opened. I look inside and see a boy around my age sleeping on the couch, silky black hair covering his eyes and such a relaxed expression on his face. If only he had kept his windows closed, he would live, What a fool.

I squeeze in through the window then transform back.

I lick my lips as I watch him sleep, thinking of how should I do this, his neck isn't exposed

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I lick my lips as I watch him sleep, thinking of how should I do this, his neck isn't exposed. I'm thinking of either waking him up or trying to position him without waking him. I sigh and walk over to him and tap his shoulder a few times. Choosing to wake him, afterall he's gonna die anyways so no risks. I hear as he grunts and flutters his eyes open.

"Sis? Did you come back from your trip?"

He says as he rubs his eyes, not clearly seeing who it is. Once his vision clears up, I watch as he jolts, looking like he's about to fight me. I chuckle seeing such reaction. How pathetic.

"Ha I must admit you're cute being on defensive side, too bad those good looks won't be necessary once you're dead"

I watch as the black haired boy's eyes widen at my statement and he gets up from the couch.

"Ok dude who the fuck are you? What the hell are you doing in my house? And what the hell do you mean once I'm dead?"

"Omg shut up so many useless questions, I simply woke you to be able to reach your neck jeez"

"Huh- what-?"

In the blink of and eye I'm now standing right behind him.

"Just shut up and let me eat"

I say then sink my fangs into his neck, sucking his blood as I hear him gasp and whimper in pain. His blood tastes so incredibly sweet, sweeter than anyone's I've tasted, it's sort of..addicting. I want more, I want as much as I can get. I get snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of his repeated crying and the feeling of him shaking in fear. He starts begging for me to stop.

"Oww p-please s-stop! Please I beg you it h-hurts!"

He begs as he tries to push my head off his neck, which only results in me biting down harder, making him wince and cry more.

Kageyama's pov

I can't help but cry out more, it hurts so bad, I can feel as my bloods slowly leaving me, I feel scared and dizzy. Maybe it's the loss of blood, maybe it's the fear. I don't wanna die, atleast not now. My legs feel weak, everything's spinning. I try holding my arms out to steady myself whimpering more as he doesn't stop, this has to stop. Please. Just stop.

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