Chapter 18- Over The Edge

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The scouts, along with Marco, raced down the stairs, desperately trying to get outside before things got even more serious. Marco knew he'd probably have to use his titan again, he also knew that one of the people with him held the Colossal, though, he wasn't sure who. That might be helpful in this situation too, if worse came to worse. This was war, people are going to die here today. Marco had come to peace with death, being a titan shifter and a soldier, he kind of had to. He'd lost people he cared about, Zofia, Udo, the Panzer Unit who worked with Pieck, especially, came to mind. The scouts had probably lost people too. They were probably thinking the same thing that he was. Over these past few months, Marco had come to realise, he wasn't different from the scouts. He had also grown to accept his true identity, to some extent. Marco couldn't help being born on Paradis. He couldn't help what happened to him, and neither could the scouts. After all, it was Marley who had ruined their lives for the past century. Marco had also accepted that in a way, they were all just victims of misconceptions and propaganda, and now, it was time to put all those aside and fight, together. 

They made it out, with what waiting for them feeling like a hellzone. Buildings were destroyed, rubble was flying all over, blood was splattered all over, bodies blocking the streets. It was, unfortunately, a sight all too familiar for the group. Marco sighed "I'll turn titan and take you all close to the Jaeger's and you can kill them. The Jaw is fast, it won't take long, it's faster than running for sure" he looked at his old enemies, now not as enemies, but as comrades. "Marco that's fucking ridiculous! WHAT IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOU?! OR US?!" Jean yelled, trying to snap some sense into Marco, who was being completely unreasonable and giving himself way too much responsibility, purposefully putting himself in harms way. Marco stayed quiet, he didn't have an answer for that, he knew he was being reckless, he just wanted this shit to be over as soon as he could. He just wanted to go home...if he even had one anymore. He still didn't know where he belonged at this point. Was he still a Marleyan? Or was he an Island Devil? He couldn't think about this now, there were most important things to focus on.

 Marco and the scouts were just running around what was left of Shiganshina, trying to avoid the titans that were invading. There was also the fact that Zeke had somehow distributed his spinal fluid throughout the entire military on Paradis, probably through wine, which he had spoken about doing back on Marley. Zeke only had to scream and he'd essentially win. He had the whole of Paradis under his control. This wasn't looking good for anybody right now. The Jaeger's were essentially staring victory in the face, but they couldn't give up, not yet. "I'm turning titan. Random question, which one of you holds the Colossal?" Marco asked, looking at the scouts as the last one who he'd ever think to be the God Of Destruction, Armin Arlert, stepped forward. Marco took a deep breath. "Armin...if worst comes to worst..don't hesitate to use your titan. Don't even think about anybody else. Just..use it, if you have to." he looked at Armin as his face fell, Marco knew Armin would never want to murder his friends, or anybody for that fact. But, this was the reality of being a titan shifter, using your powers for shit you probably don't want to do. Armin knew this as well, and nodded as Marco nodded back and ran off. Once he was far away enough from the scouts, he transformed back into his Jaw, which further ruined some buildings in the process, but there was something more important to worry about. He jumped onto the roof's of the buildings that survived and ran along them. He noticed Reiner was trying to fight off titans and other so called "Jaegerists" in his own titan. Even though Marco did hate Reiner for what he did, they were still comrades, and were very close friends at one point. It was his job to help his comrades, so Marco pounced onto the Armoured's back and ate some of the Jaegerists that were flying around him, as well as biting the nape off of some of the pure titans to make things easier for Reiner. Marco couldn't bare to lose anybody else at this point, he didn't think he could take much more at this point, any one thing would push him over the edge, so he clung onto that edge and fought for his comrade. 

Unfortunately, Marco got so distracted trying to help Reiner that he completely forgot about what he was meant to do, he thought the scouts would've been able to handle it for him whilst he was busy. But then, he spotted somebody he hadn't seen in ages- Falco. But it wasn't just Falco, he was being tightly embraced by Colt, as they were both crying. Marco immediately caught on to what was happening, one, or both, of them had swallowed Zeke's spinal fluid. Zeke was also pretty close by to them, probably in their earshot. He was getting distracted by the Grice brothers, but he still tried to help Reiner as best as he could. He wondered what the scouts were doing right now, and what they were thinking. He once again caught himself looking over at Colt and Falco as Colt was now screaming, which Marco could hear clearly, even in his titan. "DON'T WORRY FALCO! YOUR BIG BROTHER WILL ALWAYS STAY WITH YOU!" Colt cried, hugging his sobbing brother, who was begging Colt to let him go. Then, it happened. That piercing, blood curdling scream was heard from Zeke. Marco gasped and looked up, only to be blinded by flashes of yellow, including one from where the Grice brothers were standing, being replaced by one pure titan that resembled a baby bird. Going off of what he just heard, Marco assumed it was Falco, with Colt being essentially eviscerated in the explosion. That was the thing that knocked Marco off of the edge. He was done. His mind broke completely. This was the end, not only for the world, but for Marco Bodt. 

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