Part 4

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Riftan and Anthony shortly ran into Hebaron, Yuri and Garrow.

"Valentina is back, let everyone else know." Riftan told them. "Give him your sword." He said, looking at Yuri before they walked off.

"Me? Why do I need a sword?" Anthony asked, looking at Riftan's large finger pointed at him.

"You think you can just run away with my daughter all night? Doing whatever you want?" Riftan began.

"What?!" The three Remdragon knights said in unison.

"You think us 'old folk' are so out of the loop. I have heard the gossip about you, how you are always seen sneaking off with some random girl. You think you are going to get away with violating my daughter?!" Riftan screamed.

"Look, I do not know what you are talking about. I did not touch Valentina, or anyone else for that matter. I swear." Anthony defended himself. Sure, he had fun talking to girls. He has even kissed a few, but he would never hurt their chances of getting married.

"I do not believe you. Now pick up the sword." Riftan spoke slowly, anger evident in his voice.

"I'm a wizard, not a knight." Anthony said, grabbing the large hunk of metal with confusion.

"Then this should be over quickly." Riftan said with a smirk and a gleem in his eye as he charged at the young boy.

Suddenly, a large gust of air pushed Anthony out of Riftan's path. His sword pierced through a trunk, unable to stop what he had already put in motion.

"Why are you trying to kill my son?" Ruth asked, his voice laced with exhaustion and disinterest.

"Are you alright?" Agnes asked, walking over to her son.

"He violated my daughter!" Riftan growled, pulling his sword from the tree.

"I did not!" Anthony yelled. "Why do you not believe me?"

"Am I really supposed to believe that you whisked my daughter away all night long and behaved like a good little boy?" Riftan asked with a sarcastic laugh.

"Yes!" Anthony replied, desperation filling his voice.

"Just go home, Anthony. Your father and I will handle this." Agnes said.

"Like hell!" Riftan yelled.

"Calm down big boy, let's talk." Agnes said, pushing her son into the direction of Anatol and walking towards Rfitan.


Valentina rode the horse in the direction of the castle, she was worried for Anthony but did not want to anger her father any further. She stopped the horse and turned towards the direction the two men had taken off in. She sat there, pondering for a while. Before she knew it, she had kicked the horse off in the opposite direction of home. How could she leave Anthony to, probably, die at the hands of her father?

As she approached the tree line, she saw a figure emerge. The shining white hair made her instantly recognize him. He was alive, thankfully.

"Anthony! Are you okay?" She asked as she got closer.

"I guess, my parents are talking to your father right now." Anthony informed her. "Let's get out of here." He said, climbing onto the horse.

It was not long before they were at the entrance of Anatol. They rode through the bustling town of shops and people before reaching the trail that would lead them to the castle.

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