Part 5

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Anthony slid under Valentina's bed as quietly as possible, once he was tucked away Valentina pulled a blanket partially off her bed to cover the opening. Once she felt that he was properly hidden, she walked over to her bedroom door and opened it.

"Shall we go to the sitting room to talk?" Valentina asked them, trying to push through and out of the room.

"No need, this won't take long." Riftan responded, stepping into her bedroom.

"Okay." Valentina replied, trying to keep herself between them and the bed.

"Please, tell me the truth Tina." Riftan started, the sound of exhaustion in his voice. "You and that boy..." His face scrunched as if he had eaten something rotten. "You two aren't- I mean you haven't... you two didn't do anything last night. Right?" He asked, almost in a pleading tone.

"Father, I can honestly say that Anthony and I did not do anything last night." She responded, it was technically the truth.

"Okay, good." Riftan said with a sigh of relief. "You are not allowed to see him any- ow!" Riftan exclaimed, the smack of Maxi slapping his arm sounded. "Fine."

"You c-can see him if y-you choose Valentina. However, d-do not forg-get what kind of p-person you a-are. Between the g-goblin incident and l-last night, he has n-not been a good influence." Maxi spoke, her voice calm and soothing, like always.

"I will be more mindful of my decisions." Valentina agreed, trying to rush the discussion before Anthony was found. In reality, Valentina did things like sneaking out of the house and going places she should not all the time. This was just the first time that she had been caught. "I am feeling a bit tired, can we talk more at dinner?" She asked when she noticed Riftan about to talk again. "Monthly pains." She added, two words that would always stop Riftan in his tracks.

"Oh." Riftan cleared his throat. "Yes, that is fine."

With that, her parents left the room and she could relax. She ran over to the door and slipped the small metal latch closed. Then, she walked over to the bed and pulled the blanket up.

"You can come out now." She whispered, worried that her father and his insanely good hearing was still lingering by.

Anthony crawled out, running his fingers through his shaggy white hair to fix it. The two stood there, awkwardly, for a moment.

"So, should I climb out the window?" Anthony joked.

"No, I will check the hallway." Valentina replied with a small laugh. When the coast looked clear, she motioned for Anthony to leave.


The next morning, Valentina woke early for training. When she got to the training grounds, she was surprised to see Anthony there. He was wearing some borrowed, ill fitting armor. He and Yuri were doing some light drills, working on the basics of swinging a wooden sword.

"No, like this." Yuri said, taking the sword from Anthony and demonstrating.

"I did that." Anthony argued, causing Valentina to chuckle.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Just thought I should learn." Anthony answered.

"Why? You are a wizard." She asked. "I can take over Yuri."

"Okay, I will be near if you need me." Yuri said, hesitation evident in his voice. He knew Riftan would not be happy if he left the two of them completely alone.

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