58: Olumide's House

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"Hey babe."

She shrugged his hand off and curled further into herself. He couldn't tell when she had slept. He almost felt bad for waking her up but he couldn't leave her in the car. Not when she was the reason they were at his new house.

"Romola, please wake up." He tapped her arm gently.

She murmured, rising and blinking as she stared around. "Where are we?"

"In the garage."

"But your house doesn't have one."

"My new house does."

He stepped away from the car but offered her his hand. She stared at it. Would she refuse it because she was still mad at him? She took it and his chest deflated as he led her out of the car.

"But why are we here?"

"This is my new house. I just need to do a double check and make sure everything is perfect for Friday." He led her out of the dark garage.

Under the midday sun, the one storey building gleamed with its black paint and red brick columns on the side of the house. They walked past the gathering of chairs under the black umbrella towards the silver steel door of the house. Olumide kept his eyes on Romola, watching her glance at the house.

"Do you like it?"

She pulled her hand out of his and nodded. He tried to reach for her hand but she turned away from him.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Just check what you want to check."

He sighed, taking a few steps forward. The corner of his eyes caught her body following his. He opened the steel door and marched down the spacious receiving area. The white tiles shone and the bronze flower pots beside the door post provided the much-needed contrast. The furniture in the room were in hues of black, white and bronze with a hint of gold as the empty photo frames on the wall. A flat screen television took up most of the wall space and two curving staircases met to form an arch over a door post at the other end of the living room.

A pregnant woman sat on one of the chairs. "Finally, I thought I was going to give birth here."

"I'm sorry. I had to- Wait? What are you doing here?"

"The interior designer called me. She said she had tried your number but you didn't pick. Why haven't you given her a design scheme for the bedroom and kitchen? I thought you already made your decision."

"I did. I changed my mind."

His sister rose to her feet and narrowed her eyes at him then looked to his left. "Who is this?"

"Oh yeah, you haven't met her yet. Joke meet Romola. Romola, this is my older sister, Ajoke."

His sister's gaze hardened. "And does this Romola have any particular reason why she should be here now?"

"I want her here." Olumide slid his hand around Romola's back. He smiled at her before meeting his sister's eyes.

Ajoke's eyes bounced between them. "I hope you know what you are doing. Mom and dad will skin you alive."

"I didn't come here to talk about them. You worry too much. It's not good for your baby." Olumide walked towards the staircase with Romola at his side. He did not want Ajoke to make another comment about Romola. Her snideness wasn't needed. Not while Romola was still mad at him. "Where is the designer?"

"She went back to the furniture shop. Can you just decide what colour you want the headboard to be? I can take it from here."

"Give me a minute. I want to show Romola around the house."

He and Romola ascended the stairs. He could feel Ajoke's eye boring holes in their back. He whispered into Romola's ears. "Don't mind my sister. She can be a bit... controlling."

"You're the one who seems tense around her. I don't care what she says."

"Do you know why I brought you here?"

"You said you wanted to check something."

"That's true but that's not the main point." He stared into her eyes as he spoke. "Come on."

He led her downstairs to the kitchen. It was a large bare space, with cream tiles, that held marble sink, a gas cooker and his refrigerator

"What do you think this kitchen needs?" He linked their fingers together.

"I don't know. Pots, pans, cabinets, plates. Normal stuff."

"That's not what I mean." He gestured towards the kitchen. "If this was your kitchen, what colour would you love to have here? For the cabinets and cooking utensils."

"Hmm. I guess red. Red and white cabinets."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, but why are you asking me?"

Olumide glanced at her lips before speaking. "Because I want this to be our kitchen."

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