Chapter eleven

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On Monday Draco thinks of only one thing: how to save Alysha Meadowes.

He thinks about it as he showers, when he's out grocery shopping - which leads him to forgetting to buy the cereals he's finished yesterday damn it - he thinks about it as he eats, when he trains, he dreams about it during his late afternoon nap.

By the time the sun is down, he has a plan, but it's risky, way more than he would like. If it was dangerous only for himself, he wouldn't hesitate, it wouldn't be the first time he'd come home with deep wounds, barely having survived the fight. But this time there is the life of a child at stake and he can't put her in danger, not any more than she already is.

There isn't time to devise a better plan, though.

He goes to his office, everything he's planned to use is already arranged on the desk, time to suit up.

If the situation was ordinary, Draco would apparate directly next to his target, using the element of surprise at his advantage. This time it's more complicated, he can't just apparate into the house, though he's sure the wards will let him in, the Dark magic in his mark and the one in Yaxley's are the same, which means that whenever Yaxley casts a spell, in this case a ward, a bit of that Dark magic gets woven into the fabric of the enchantment and it will recognize a sister in Draco's, letting him through without resistance.

Draco's plan is crazy and has a high chance of failure, but if it works, it will be over by tomorrow morning, Alysha will be safe and Yaxley nothing more than a memory.

He's decided to try and approach Yaxley directly, no apparition, just the classic knock on the door. He's thought about impersonating a homeless man asking for help, but Yaxley isn't the type that would help others without gaining something himself. Another possible option was pretending to be one of Yaxley's old friends from the war. Draco is confident he would be able to pull off the act whichever Death Eater he decided to take the form of, unfortunately, he can't be sure which Death Eater would be welcomed and which immediately cursed, because he doesn't know if Yaxley has kept in touch with any of them during the years.

He has only one other possibility. Selene Yaxley.

He steps in front of the mirror he keeps next to his cabinet to practice with disguises and starts chanting, enveloping himself in a web of glamours from head to toe.

It takes him at least ten minutes to get everything right, he's thankful for the trip in his memories a couple of days ago, it would have been hard to remember Selene, but now he has a clear image in his mind. The person Draco sees in the mirror is a petite woman of about 5' 3'', her long blond hair almost reaches her waist, brown eyes are enclosed by pale lashes and when Draco smirks at his own perfect work, the woman's red plump lips curve delicately. He has also glamoured his clothes, making it look like he's wearing a long-sleeved black dress, while instead he's donned his usual dragonhide trousers with the tiny pockets of wizarding space and a black t-shirt. In his pockets he fits all sorts of weapons, from knives to coils of rope, he even has a gun, which he rarely uses.

He slips his wand in his sleeve and goes to the section dedicated to the Potions lab. A large black cabinet holds a wide variety of potions he's brewed for every occasion, he takes a couple of healing potions and calming draughts, he might need the former, Alysha will surely need the latter. From a small compartment he takes out two syringes, just like the ones he's seen on TV, a vial of sleeping draught and one of pepper up. He fills the first syringe with the sleeping draught while the pepper up goes in the other. He carefully pockets them and goes to the far corner of the cabinet, where a section is heavily warded, his touch quickly dismantles the protection and Draco opens the door, inside sits a single vial, a potion Draco has brewed, but never used, nor planned to use, until tonight. He considers it to be one, if not the most dangerous potion in existence, although its mother-of-pearl sheen doesn't seem threatening, Amortentia is not to be underestimated, it's ruined more lives than all other potions put together.

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