Chapter fourteen

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Pongo-the-asshole-alarm-clock wakes Draco up early on Friday morning, after three whole hours of sleep.

With a look at the actual alarm clock, Draco finds out it's still only 7:30 in the morning and, with a groan, he rolls on his side and buries his face in the pillow, trying to block out the sunlight coming through the window and the irritating meowing. He manages okay with the former, but fails miserably with the latter. With a tired sigh, he rubs the sleep out of his eyes and gets up.

Sometimes he thinks that he should buy one of those machines that are programmed to give out a certain amount of cat food at certain times, this way he wouldn't have to wake up so early, but then he remembers that he has already done that and that, not two hours after having bought the feeder, he had found Pongo with his head into the storage bowl. How the cat had managed to open the lid, is still a mystery to Draco, but after that, he had decided to simply go on feeding Pongo himself, this way he would be able to control the amount of food the little beast could get his paws on. Unfortunately, it means that getting woken up too early when he could sleep in, is part of the deal.

He almost blindingly walks to the kitchen, barely avoiding stubbing his toe on the corner of the kitchen island. That would have been a shitty start of the day.

As his coffee machine works its magic, filling Draco's cup with liquid energy, he takes out some food for Pongo, who goes directly to his bowl without a thank you, nor a second glance towards Draco. Rude.

As soon as the coffee machine beeps, Draco's cup is in his hands and he takes a sip of the brown goodness. Of course, in his eagerness to be a functioning human being, he forgot that coffee comes out of the machine scalding hot and he's painfully reminded of it, when his tongue protests at the burning contact with the beverage. Ouch.

After a simple breakfast of toast and fruit, he heads to the bathroom for a shower and then he gets ready to go out. He's promised the kids at The Nest that he would have chaperoned them on their trip to Diagon Alley and he never forgets a promise.

He's not really in the mood for wearing robes, so instead, he puts on a pair of dark skinny jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt and his leather jacket. He makes sure to have his wand holster covering his mark for further precaution and applies the net of charms that makes him look like the man he's impersonated the last time, black curly hair, blue eyes and silver rectangular frames to make his appearance even more unrecognisable.

He apparates to the orphanage with a twirl and lands in front of the entrance. Years and years of constant apparitions have perfected his aim incredibly.

He knocks on the door and waits. The woman that greets him this time is older than Draco, around 35 years old, she has curly red hair and round blue eyes, for a moment, Draco thinks he's in front of one of the Weasley spawns, but then he remembers that they only had one daughter and that she's been dead for years.

He banishes the depressing thought and smiles at the woman. "Hello, I'm Den-"

"Dennis, I know, the kids have been talking about you non-stop. I'm Lucy."

The appropriate thing to do now, would be to politely shake the hand Lucy is holding out to him, but his brain is a bit confused.

"The kids have been talking about me?" he asks incredulous.

Lucy laughs, at least she doesn't seem affected by Draco's lack of manners.

"You've promised to accompany them to Diagon Alley, they have been waiting for you since the moment you left." She says as if it's obvious. These kids probably don't have many occasions to leave the orphanage, he reasons.

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