"ᴜɴᴛɪʟ ᴡᴇ ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ᴀɢᴀɪɴ, ʏᴜ ᴄʜᴀɴ."

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❝The underworld has its own rules. Its residents do not kill those in the other side without a reason... and they do not invade polite society using the powe of the underworld.❞

The salmon haired boy stood in a front of a weird shop that was near the outskirts of Sendai. The place looked abandoned, but that wasn't what caught his attention. It was the name of the shop that picked his interest.


Was the name of the shop. He has seen this shop several times while passing by and he wanted to see what was inside, probably bunch of coffins here and there. But who was working there? He watched the shop from afar for some time, but there was no one entering the place at all aside from a few people.

"I want to know what's inside..." The boy thought and approached the door. He knocked on the door and waited, but there was no respond. He decided to open the door very slowly and took a peek inside only to find this place pretty dark, barely lit by few candles. He stepped inside out of curiosity and the door shut behind him. He moved to the middle of the small shop and eyed it. There was a single desk with a chair and bookshelf behind it, there's also coffins spread around the shop. This weirded the boy out, "What's wrong with place?" He mumbled, goosebumps running up his body.

Just then...

"Ohhh~ An uninvited visitor." A voice whispered in his ear. He jumped away and looked at the person who whispered. There stood a woman that seems to be in her early twenties. She wore a black robe with a long crooked top hat, a grey scarf strapped across her chest and knotted by the hips. He noticed a chain with lockets around her hips. He also noticed her very long grey hair that reached to her hips and covered her eyes. He could see a scar across her face and neck. "How may I help you, young man? Are you interested in something?" She said, making the boy snap out of his thoughts.

He scratched the back of his head, "N-No thank you..." He mumbled which made the woman giggle. She walked past him to her desk and sat on the top of it, "Then why are you here?" She asked him again, giving him a wide grin and waving her hand that was covered with her long sleeves.

The boy couldn't find anything to say to her, "Are you by any chance curious about my shop?" She asked again, pinpointing the exact reason why he was here which made him panic. "I-I... It's not like tha--" He was cut off by her loud laughter.

"HAHAHAHA! Your face!! It's so priceless!" She continued to laugh which made the boy blush, "S-She is weird..." The pink haired boy thought as he just stared at her laughing. After she calmed down, she wiped away her tears, "I apologize, I don't get to laugh a lot like this. Anyway, it's okay for you to feel curious. A lot of people feel like this when they pass my shop." She explained, giggling at the end of her statement.

"What's your name, kid?"

"Oh...Um... My name is Itadori Yuji, what about you?"

He asked, a bit hesitant. She giggled again, "I'm known as the Undertaker, but you can call me Y/N." She introduced herself to him, "Would you like to see around my shop?" She offered with a smile that almost was creepy.

Yuji didn't pay it attention and nodded, "If you don't mind..."

"Follow me then." She stated, hopping of the desktop.


Throughout the days, Y/N and Yuji became best of friends. Yuji no longer felt weirded out by the woman, he enjoyed her accompany and told her different jokes that made her laugh.

Yuji as usual visited Y/N after school. He was 16 years old now and he has been friends with the creepy woman for a year. He opened the door and saw the grey haired woman sitting on her desk, munching on some bone-shaped cookies with boredom. She looked at him and smiled, "Yu chan! Welcome!! I have been waiting! How's your first day in the high school?" She shimmered as she saw the boy walking in.

He approached her and sat on the desktop and sighed, throwing his bag away, "Boring~ nothing different from the middle school." He whined which made Y/N look at him with puzzled look.

"Really? Nothing funny happened?"

"Oh there's something funny happened!"

Yuji started to tell Y/N the story and let's say she couldn't contain her laugh at all. After they calmed down, Yuji decided to ask her, "Y/N, why are you hiding your eyes?" For a moment, she went silent and her face was unreadable, but she quickly changed it to the smiley face, "That's because they're too beautiful to be seen like that, HAHAHAHA!" She proceeded to laugh again which made Yuji sweatdrop.

"You're weird, Y/N san."

"I know that. Here, have some cookies."

They continued to chat and laugh for almost an hour until it was time for Yuji to go home. Y/N liked his company and enjoyed her time with him, but what will happen when he discovers who is she truly? She didn't want to bother herself with this question. As long as Yuji doesn't know who she is, she will be in the safe side.

Their friendship continued for another year until...

Y/N went missing for a week. Yuji could only see a sign on her door that says 'Closed Temporarily'. He thought that Y/N has left him, but she returned after a week. And what he discovered next broke his heart...

"Do you really have to leave?" Yuji asked as he saw Y/N packing her stuff. She hummed, "Yup, I have to leave. It's urgent." She declared and turned around at him. He just said a single "Oh." And looked down. He felt a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, you will find me one day." She gave him a piece of paper with a writing on it and he looked down at it.

"What's this?"

"My new shop address, visit me when you come to Tokyo."

He nodded and both existed the shop. She locked the door and looked at Yuji, opening her arms for a hug. He gladly hugged her, "I will miss you." She hummed, "Me too." They pulled away and Y/N picked up her suitcase.

"Until we meet again, Yu chan."

With that, she turned around and started to leave, she didn't know that Yuji was crying silently.

𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 [JJK x Black Butler]Where stories live. Discover now