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❝I once had friends and fell in love, but all I got from them was pain. I never bothered to repeat my mistakes again.❞

"This is boring, when the fun is going to start?"

Y/N thought as she put a cookie in her mouth while playing with her chain. She was bored, but something happened...

There was eleven talismans on the wall for each school, one of them got all burned in red flames which made them look at them while Y/N smirked. Utahime was the one who broke the silence, "Huh? The game is over? And they all burned red? That's odd." She questioned with confusion. Y/N chuckled and stood up which made Gojo look at her, "Going somewhere?" He asked her and she smirked while removing her hat and put it on the desk in front of her, "Mhm, it's boring in here and surprisingly, something has caught my eye." As she said those words, she removed her hair from her face to expose her eyes.

She also removed her scarf and folded it. Her treasured chain was placed on her shoulder. Y/N turned to them while giving them a lazy smile, "Excuse me now, I have some important business to take care of." With that she left the room, making the sorcerers follow her as she left.


Y/N ran in the forest with calm expression. A veil has been laid which made it clear to the Shinigami that this was all planned. From a far, she could see Megumi in the small river and Maki being held up by a root in front of a curse, "Finally, I was waiting." She summoned her scythe and jumped up, making the blade of her weapon shine green. She brought it down on the root to slice it, taking a hold of Maki.

"Y/N san?!" Both Megumi and Maki said in unison. Y/N studied the curse, it has a muscular body with root in its eyes and its other arm was held in a cloth wrapped across its chest. She could also see some marks here and there around its body.

Y/N laughed, "No worries, I will save you all." Her eyes then looked at the curse and smirked, "So value... I will enjoy reaping your soul." She evilly said while standing in front of the two students with her scythe shielding them. Just then, there was a huge splash of water. Y/N was surprised at first as her eyes widened, but smiled when she saw the pink hair of Yuji.

 Y/N was surprised at first as her eyes widened, but smiled when she saw the pink hair of Yuji

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She sighed and shook her head, "So dramatic Yu chan." The said boy turned around and smiled, "Oh, Y/N san! I didn't know you're here!" He exclaimed while waving. Todo turned around and looked at Y/N, only to freeze in place, "I never know s-she was THAT beautiful!" He thought as he tried to keep his composure.

"Stop, Itadori, Y/N san! That's not something we can han-" Megumi was cut off by his cough as he tried to warn them.

Y/N ignored his warning and moved toward the curse, not seeing Panda who took both Maki and Megumi and left with them, "Say, you're friends with that stitch-face and volcano-head, right?" She asked and the curse didn't reply to her, "Not much of a talkative, huh? Well, I will enjoy ripping your limbs." Y/N smirked and prepared to fight, but Yuji stopped her by putting his hand on her shoulder, "Let me do this. I want to show you how strong I became." Green eyes gazed at his light brown ones. Y/N couldn't bring herself to see him get hurt more, but she eventually have to. She sighed, "Alright, don't disappoint me Yu chan. I will show you a surprise if you impressed me." She stated as she walked out of the small river.

Todo went to stand beside her, "I won't lift a finger to help, Itadori. Not until you land a Black Flash." He stood beside her while crossing his arms, "If you can't land a Black Flash, then I will just watch you die, no matter what happens to you." His words made Y/N laugh and tap his shoulder with her scythe, her eyes never leaving Yuji, "If you don't, then I will. I'm his guardian Death God, y'know." She stated while glanced at him fron the corner of her eyes.

Yuji and the Hanami kept on staring at each other for a while before the curse lifted its hand, creating a ball of roots.

"You can talk?" Yuji suddenly spoke up, his face was unreadable, "There's something I want to ask you. Are you allied with a humanoid cursed spirit who has patchwork face?" Yuji asked, a shadow over his eyes. Hanami thought for a bit, "And if I say I'm?" It answered with a question of its own. Without wasting anytime, Yuji started to attack the curse.

Y/N watched carefully as he fought, "He is fast, but he is lacking something." She mumbled which caught Todo's attention, "What do you mean?" He asked her with a raised eyebrow. "The boost." Y/N simply replied, "He lacks the boost." She declared, closing her eyes. They looked back at Yuji and saw him about to land a hit on the curse's abdomen. He hit it strongly, but he seemed not satisfied.

Todo suddenly moved and slapped Yuji, he explained to him somethings then slapped him again. Yuji seemed to be motivated and approached the curse again. Yuji was concentrating on something as he took his fighting stance. Hanami sent a few large roots to him, but he sent it a powerful punch that made the roots disappear. Red flames could been seen in his hand. Y/N and Todo smiled, "Well, this is surprising." She thought with a mischievous glow in her eyes. Yuji stood there as cursed energy surrounded his body.

Todo approached Yuji and started to talk to him again and explaining stuff. They were preparing themselves for the fight. Y/N took a step forward and smirked, "I shall cover your backs now, since Yuji wants to show me his new abilities." The salmon haired boy smiled brightly at her, "Okay! I will do my best for you, Y/N san." He said and Y/N nodded. The curse removed the cloth to show its other arm that was pitch black with a closed red rose on its shoulders.

Y/N smirked, "For once, I actually want to kill something value."

In blink of an eye, the three started to move quickly, running on the large roots Hanami released. Y/N was slashing any roots that came her or Yuji's way. The roots started to move slowly which gave a chance for the trio to stand, "What a wide range of attack!" Yuji exclaimed with anger. "Don't falter! That range means its force and speed are weak." Todo who was confident all the time assured him. Hanami appeared from the root and started to shoot something like seeds, but Y/N quickly moved and blocked them all by her Death Scythe. This gave a chance to Yuji and Todo to run toward it and gave it a punch. The root-eyed curse composed its quickly, taking a defensive stance. Yuji started to run again and yelled, "Todo! Let's match our timing better!"


Suddenly, all of the roots disappeared, leaving Hanami on a standing on a root ball, "Learn how great this land is!" It spoke up, sending two roots from the ball.

Before Yuji and Todo could do anything, Y/N appeared and grabbed both of them before the roots could strike them. She landed between the trees, "That was close." Y/N said, putting them both back and re-summoned her scythe again. Yuji nodded and gave her a thumb up, "Thanks for the help, Y/N san." She just smiled while ruffling his hair. Hanami soon got down with a loud thud and Yuji started to run toward it, fighting it again. Todo appeared from behind it and kicked its head. Hanami didn't stop here and spread flowers around both of the males which distracted them from the huge pile of sharp root, but thankfully they jumped away in time.

Both Yuji and Todo landed down. Y/N approached them, "Don't you think it's about time you act serious, puff man?" Y/N asked Todon who smirked.

"Right! It's time to unleash my technique!"

𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 [JJK x Black Butler]Where stories live. Discover now