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❝A dark side? HA! Bold of you to think I have a dark side. My dear, I, myself, am the dark side to this world.❞

Y/N made her way to the school, she could see both Nobara and Megumi standing by the vending machines, "Hello~ Megumi kun and Nobara chan!" She sang as she waved her long sleeve.

They both turned to look at her, "Oh hi, Y/N san." Nobara greeted while Megumi nodded. "Are you here for training? I thought it's not now." Megumi spoke up and Y/N giggled, "Unfortunately, I'm here earlier then usual because I have a meeting with your sensei." Both Nobara and Megumi tilted their heads, "Huh? Why though?" The brunette girl asked, "Well~ it's a secret~" She teased while waving her index finger, her figure turning to chibi.

Both Megumi and Nobara sweatdropped, "Why hiding everything from us?" They both thought in unison. They both then looked behind Y/N to see two new comers. The grey haired woman looked over her shoulder to see a tall muscular guy and a girl with short green hair, she smirked and turned around, "What are you doing here, Zenin senpai?" Megumi asked with bored expression.

"Oh, she is a one, too? They do seem similar. Are they sisters?" Nobara question while glancing at Megumi, "They are twins." Megumi simply stated.

The said girl smirked, "Don't call me that, Fushiguro kun. You make me sound the same as Maki. Call me Mai." The girl known as Mai said with a wink. The guy with her spoke up, "So those are the pinch hitters for Okkotsu and the third years? And who is this old hag?" Y/N didn't like how he was talking about them and how he called her, but decided to just keep smiling.

"Just call me Undertaker." She said with a fake smile.

"She didn't tell them her real name, she must hate them then. I don't blame her." Megumi thought as he stared at Y/N.

Mai smiled again, "We came here with the principal because we were worried about you. Your classmate died, right?" She said in mockery which pissed them off, especially Y/N since she knew who this girl was talking about, "Was that rough? Or did you think nothing of it?" She continued and both Nobara and Megumi glared, "What are you trying to say?" Megumi asked.

"It's okay. Somethings are hard to say out loud. So I will say it for you. "Vessel" makes it sound nice, but it just means he was half-cursed monster. Having such a tainted, inhumane being beside you brazenly calling himself a jujutsu sorcerer must have been revolting, right? Aren't you feeling better now that he's dead?" She taunted while smirked teasingly at them.

Both Nobara and Megumi kept on glaring at them while Y/N has lost her smile, "Such cruel words..." Y/N spoke up, not looking up at them, "How would you feel if you were in his place, hm?" She asked which made Mai say a faint, "Huh?"

"How would you feel if you saw death approaching you? I'm sure you would be one of those cowards who hide to escape death..." Y/N's monotonous voice made Nobara and Megumi look at her with wide eyes. They have never seen like this before. Mai looked pissed off about what Y/N said to her which made the grey haired woman smile, "Don't go taunting people while you're nothing but a weakling." Y/N finished mockingly.

The guy beside Mai glared at Y/N, "Mai, don't bring up such pointless topics." He started to move forward as he threw away his jacket, "I'm only here to see if these guys are fit to take Okkotsu's place. That's all I want to know." His eyes went to Megumi, "Fushiguro, was it? What kind of woman is your type?" He suddenly questioned this. Nobara, Megumi, and Y/N looked at him with confusion while a question mark appeared above their heads, "Depending on your answer, I will beat you half to death here and drag Okkotsu, or at least the third years, out of the exchange event." He declared, ripping his shirt, "By the way, my type is a tall woman with a big ass." He said, smiling like a maniac.

"As expected..." Y/N thought with a sigh.

Megumi didn't find a good reason to answer this question to a person he just met while Nobara teased him, saying that no one likes Megumi. The guy introduced himself as Todo Aoi and started to blabber about women much to Y/N's displeasure, he demanded Megumi to answer his question and the poor guy decided to do so, "I don't have a particular preference. As long as she has unshakable character, I won't ask for more." Megumi asked which relieved both Y/N and Nobara since they thought he would give a way horrible answer.

Suddenly, Todo has tears in his eyes, "I knew it. You're boring, Fushiguro." He stated with tears still running down his cheeks. He dashed toward Megumi and went to hit him in his face with his arm, but Megumi managed to shield his face in time with his crossed arms. He went flying to the yard, "Fushiguro!" Nobara went to held, but Mai caught her.

"Poor Fushiguro kun. Even a talented second-grade jujutsu sorcerer is nothing than a first year against the top-grade Todo senpai." Before Mai could say anything else, a hit was sent her way to push her away from Nobara. The brunette girl looked to see her savoir, only to see Y/N holding a Sotoba. Y/N gave Nobara her weapon, "Use it if she attacks you. And as for your friend, I will make him wish to die." She stated and turned to leave, pulling out another Sotoba from her back like a sword while walking toward Todo and Megumi who summoned frogs with wings on their backs.

She could see Todo dashing toward Megumi and appeared behind him. Y/N moved in time to pull Megumi away, using her Sotoba hit Todo in the chin which resulted in him falling on his back, "You see now what this old hag can do... brat?" She said while approaching the falling male, "I'm not going to stand while you harm my friend." Y/N added as she raised her Sotoba up.

"Y/N san!! NO!--" Megumi yelled, but it was too late. Y/N brought down her Sotoba toward Todo's head and the male closed his eye, waiting for the pain. But it never came...

Todo looked at the side only to see the wooden weapon stabbed in the ground just a few inches away from his head. He looked up and saw Y/N smirking down at him, "Consider yourself lucky because if it wasn't for Megumi, I would have killed you with no regret." She threatened, pulling out the Sotoba and stepped away. She turned around to look at Megumi, not 'noticed' Todo standing up and running toward her.

"Don't move." Toge said, making Todo freeze in place. Panda appeared from nowhere and punch Todo away. He started to talk to him, but Y/N didn't pay it much attention.

"Tuna Tuna?" Toge asked and Y/N tilted her head in confusion, "He asked if you're okay?" Megumi translated and Y/N's mouth took the shap of an 'o', "I'm fine, thank you for your concern, Toge kun." She said, petting his head which made him blush and nod, "I need to go, I'm sure Gojo san is waiting for me." She said and proceeded to walk away with a blank expression.

"Tch, the likes of this human disgust me." She thought while making her way to the place where Gojo is waiting for her.

𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 [JJK x Black Butler]Where stories live. Discover now