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❝How sad that life always takes and never gives because it was never fair with us.❞

Both Y/N and Nanami stood in the sewers with many curses laying dead around them. Nanami has his weapon covered in blood while Y/N's Sotoba was as clean as ever since it's pretty special. They both could feel a presence with them, "If you plan to come out, please hurry up and do so." Nanami broke the silence while Y/N giggled, "They maybe disfigured and beyond saving, but murdering people makes me sick." He added while loosening his necktie a bit.

A figure walked out of the shadows, he had a long grey/blue hair and stitches on his face. He has a grey eye and blue eye, he was wearing a dark blue outfit, "Ah, what a relief. I would be in trouble if Gojo Satoru was here, but it's not much of an experiment if you're too weak." He said with his weird expressions.

"I hate overtime, so let's just..." Nanami started while putting a hand on his neck, "finish this quickly." He added. Y/N nodded and lazily pointed a finger at the curse, "I hate you already, so I'm going to kill you." She said with her smirk. After she said that, Nanami dashed toward the curse and started to fight. She stood back, trying to study his way of fighting. She noticed the purple energy from his hands, "That's him...He is the one who disfigured those people. Interesting, really interesting." She thought, her smirk getting sly. They suddenly stopped fighting and started to talk. Y/N didn't really care about this, but one question caught her attention.

"Hey, tell me. Which one do you think came first, the soul or the body?" This question the curse asked she pretty much knows the answer of it; however, Nanami was confused about this, "Come on, you know. It's like the question of whether the chicken or the egg came first. Do you think the soul resides in the body? Or do you think the body forms around the soul?" He declared for Nanami to understand.

The blond man thought for a moment then answered, "The former."

Before the humanoid curse could mock him for the wrong, someone else spoke up, "Wrong." Y/N said while walking to stand beside Nanami, "The answer is the latter. The soul always exists before the body. The shape of the body is pulled along with the shape of the soul." She said while tilting her head, "In the end, I know this very well because I used to deal with this." She wanted to say this out loud, but she just couldn't.

The curse looked at Y/N with surprise, "Well, aren't you a smart one." His surprised face was replaced with a lazy smile, "She is right. I'm not healing. I'm just maintaining the shape of my own soul. You understand now, don't you? My technique is to make contact with the soul and alter its shape. Idle Transfiguration." He pulled out a weird shaped creature from his hand, "I keep a stockpile of humans. It's rather difficult, though." He kept on talking for a while that Y/N started to get a headache from his useless speech, she sighed and prepared herself to give this guy the spooks.

Nanami made it clear that he was determined to finish this work before 6pm.


Y/N and Nanami were both handling this curse. They were covering for each other, you could say that Y/N wasn't putting that much effort in the fight. She was just taking it as a warm up to study how could he handle himself in a fight more serious then this. The curse kept on throwing disfigured humans at them, but they managed to avoid them. Nanami stood on a top of a giant one that was asking for help while Y/N stood a bit far.

𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 [JJK x Black Butler]Where stories live. Discover now