Chapter 6

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I woke to Jessica shaking my shoulder. "Hey, Lauren. Do you still want to go out?"

I nodded, slowly coming back into consciousness. "What time is it?"

"Seven. We're meeting up at eight, so you have time to change if you want."

I sunk my head into the pillow. "I don't have any other clothes." I hadn't even kept the jacket.

It smelled too much like him.

I could practically hear Jessica's frown. "Girl. We are basically the same size. Do you want to change?"

Pursing my lips, I fought with my pride, then glanced over. "My feet are killing me." I admitted.

"Got it." Looking me over, she asked, "How do jeans, sneakers and a T-shirt sound?"

I sighed. "Fantastic."

"Hey, I want to pay tonight."

We ambled down the cobblestone street, parting when cars drove past.

Tori snorted.

"No." Jessica shook her head, dismissing the notion.

"I insist. I don't know how long I'm going to have to stay, and I want to treat you guys."

Jessica shook her head. "Kid, we're not taking your money."

"You wouldn't be taking my money, though. You'd be eating and drinking it."

Tori draped a tattooed arm around my shoulders. "Lauren, you gotta understand – Jess and I are living that double-income, no-kids life."

"For now." Jessica interjected.

"For now," Tori amended, "and we're not hurting for cash. You can do some chores around the apartment if you want, but you aren't paying for a damn thing."

I can recognize when I'm not going to win an argument. But, after I thought about what Tori had said, I asked, "How about I cook for you?"


"I just graduated from my culinary program in May. I was going to go move in with Evan's pack and find a chef position out there, but then, well..."

Tori shrugged and looked over at her mate. Jessica, on the other hand, grinned like a madwoman and gripped her mate's arm. "Yes! That is exactly how you're going to pay us back!"

I held out my hand for her to shake. "It's a deal then."

Jessica shook on it, and suddenly I felt better about my situation.

"You guys really did save my ass today."

Tori glanced at Jessica, "I'll bet we did. I can only imagine what Dwayne wants to do to it."

Jessica snorted, "Jesus, Tori!" They began to playfully bicker, and I heard none of it. I was trying not to think about Tori's question and what that Alpha prick wanted to do with my body.

At the door, Jessica addressed the bouncer by name and vouched for me, sparing me the humiliation of having to talk around my missing ID.

Inside, the bar glowed neon and servers circulated. Thumping music flooded in from hidden speakers, but Tori led the way to a back corner where we could speak without shouting.

Jessica pulled me aside and spoke into my ear. "See those guys over there?" She pointed to a high top table with three men at it. "They're on our team, get it?"

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