Chapter 22

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CW: This chapter will contain detailed descriptions of sexual activity. If you would rather not read that, then please skip from the first bolded line to the second – this will cut out the sauciest parts of the chapter while keeping the plot intact.

At the top of the stairs, I stopped dead, eyes boggling.

Fucking rich people.

The second floor of the suite, more of a loft than anything, was pure opulence beneath a vaulted ceiling. At the center of it all stood a massive, California king sized bed covered in a grey suede counterpane.

Behind me, strong arms caught me and pulled me back against a broad, warm chest. I shivered as I felt his nose press into my hair.

"Like it?"

I bit my lip, deciding to be daring. "I'd like it better if we were on it."

Dwayne didn't need to be told twice. Bending down, he wrapped one arm behind my back and the other behind my knees, picking me up as I giggled helplessly.

Then he laid me on the bed and climbed over me, and my mirth died in my throat.

Dwayne looked down at me, eyes dark and intent.

A heady mixture of excitement and nervousness filled me, and as I gazed up at him, I knew he could tell.

He reached down, caressing my cheek.

"You know you can tell me 'no', right?"

My eyes narrowed. Did he think I was going to chicken out? Reaching down, I gripped the bottom of my tank top and pulled it up my torso, flinging it aside before reaching beneath me to unhook my bra. After I slipped my arms out of the straps, I picked it up and threw it in the direction of my shirt.

"I'll take that under advisement."

Watching the sudden, rapid inhale of his chest and the bobbing of his Adam's apple as he swallowed, I smiled. Slowly, very slowly, his eyes lowered, and he took in the sight of me, savoring me.

The heat of his desire had me trembling, and I needed him to touch me. Finding his hand, I took it in mine and brought it to my breast, placing his warm palm against my tender skin.

His jaw flexed, and I felt him fighting for control. Cautiously, almost like he was afraid of hurting me, he drew his thumb across my nipple, making me shudder with delight.



"Dwayne, please-"

Licking his lips, he raised his gaze to meet mine.

"You are so fucking beautiful."

Then he leaned down and took me into his mouth.

A gasp ripped through my throat, and I threw my head back, lost in the sensation of his tongue teasing my nipple.

My hands found the soft, dark thicket of his hair and pulled him closer. His torso pressed against my abdomen while his mouth wreaked havoc on my senses.

Moving to taste my other breast, Dwayne looked up at me, sultry satisfaction in his eyes. My body sent a shock of pleasure straight to my core, and I felt him grin against me.

"Patience, baby."

His mouth loved me with agonizing slowness, and though I enjoyed it, I ached for more.

"Dwayne-" I hated the whine in my voice.

His mouth left me. "What, love?"


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