Chapter 39

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"Do you hear that?"

As we were walking through the ground floor, I'd noticed the faint strains of music in the distance.

Dwayne paused to listen. "It's probably the mating party – they rented out the ballroom for their reception."

"Oh, the triad, right? We saw them this morning at breakfast."

"Yeah..." Raising an eyebrow, he turned to look at me. "You want to go check it out?"

I frowned, "You mean crash it? Wouldn't you get in trouble?"

Dwayne shook his head, "Not if we just drop by to take a look. After all, why wouldn't I want to ensure the satisfaction of such important customers?"

Glancing aside, I bit my lip. "Okay, But, seriously, just a look."

Taking my hand, Dwayne grinned and led the way toward the music.

Passing by the gym, the spa, and the dining room from breakfast, we eventually found ourselves standing outside of a pair of glass double doors leading into a packed ballroom.

Up-tempo music pumped out of the sound system and over the crowd on the dance floor. As Dwayne and I wove around the edges of the room, dodging busy servers and hyper kids, I looked over the scene.

Will our reception be held here?

I could almost see it – Mom fretting over the tiniest details, trying to make things perfect. Dad circulating and socializing, chatting up relatives and strangers alike. Dwayne, looking utterly mouthwatering in a tuxedo. Evan-

My train of thought derailed.

Tonight was about Dwayne and I. It wasn't fair to be thinking about Evan right now...

Approaching the other side of the ballroom, I saw a man in formalwear glance our way and then do a double-take.

He moved to meet us, radiating newly mated happiness as he greeted Dwayne.

"Alpha, what a pleasant surprise!"

Dwayne accepted the man's offered hand and shook it. "We heard the music and decided to offer our congratulations and to see if everything is to your liking."

The man smiled, "Absolutely – your staff has done a fantastic job!"

Dwayne smiled, "Wonderful; we pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction, so please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

"Of course! Thank you so much for stopping by!"

"Thank you for choosing the Belhurst to host your special day."

This tennis match of cordiality was interrupted by somebody calling "Phillip" over the music. Glancing behind him, the man, Phillip, held up a finger before turning back to us.

"You'll have to excuse me – please, feel free to stay a while."

"Oh, no," I spoke up, "we don't want to impose-"

Phillip laughed. "And you won't – seriously, at least have some cake. The damned thing is six tiers tall, and we're going to have to take home at least three of them." Giving us a quick nod, he made his way across the room.

Dwayne leaned down to whisper in my ear. "You up for dessert?"

I shook my head, "I'm way too full from dinner – I'd be miserable. You?"

"Nah." Then his fingers entwined with mine, "How about a dance?"

The warm comfort of his hand had me smiling. Turning my focus to the music, I noticed that the songs had switched, and couples of all ages filled the dancefloor.

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