Chapter 47

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A/N: Hell with it. Here's a short, sweet denouement chapter to soften the previous two - Enjoy!

In the grey light of a rainy morning, I tiptoed downstairs to find my phone. I'd left it in my purse, which I'd dumped on the entryway table the night before, careless in my hurry to reach Dwayne's bedroom.

I guess it's our bedroom now...

The thought sent a dizzying burst of joy straight down to my toes.

Carefully unzipping the small clutch, I slid the slim rectangle out before stepping onto the porch and pulling up Jess's number.


"Hi!" I whispered.

"Hey – I'm really glad you called; We've kind of got some big news!"

I smiled, looking back into the house, "Me too."

"Okay, you go first."

"Um," I licked my lips, "Dwayne and I mated last night."

Jess gasped, "Oh my god! Congratulations!"

I felt a pleased warmth on my cheeks. "Thanks! Anyway, that's the reason I called – I'm probably not going to be back to the suite for a day or two..."

She sighed, "I remember those days. Can't keep your hands off of each other, can you?"

A wave of hot embarrassment burned my skin, "Um-"

Hands and... other parts.

"Don't worry about it – it's all part of the process. Just remember to hydrate and eat periodically, okay?"

"I'll try." Smiling, I asked, "So, what's your news?"

"Well," she paused, "Tori and I are going to be mommies!"

"What?! That's wonderful! When did this happen?"

"Last night. Tori said she could see us having kids out here, which is honestly such a relief because there's no way I wanted to raise my kids back home. Or in Baltimore. Or in Tori's pack – seriously, her mother is the worst-"

"Wait – you guys are moving out here?"


I pulled the phone away from my ear and let out a little shriek of excitement.

"I'm glad you're happy, 'cuz you're gonna be helping us move."

I couldn't contain my smile. "Just tell me when."

"Well, we've got to take care of some stuff first – giving our notice, dealing with our lease, talking to Steve-"


Jess chuckled, "We kind of made a handshake agreement a couple of years back-"

"About what?"

"About being our donor."

Momentarily stunned, I thought about it. "Huh. I mean, he's bound to make some good-looking kids. Plus, he's a med student..."

"Right?! Anyway, we're going to need to revisit that conversation and see if he's still on board."

I could feel myself grinning from ear to ear. "I am just so happy for you guys."

Behind me, I heard footsteps on the stairs.

Turning, I saw a very naked Dwayne opening the door and walking out toward me.

As raindrops pelted the roof, I drank in the sight of him.

He tilted my chin up with his fingertips, eyes smoldering with the heat of a fire just waiting to reignite.

"You have thirty seconds to finish that phone call."

Swallowing, I spoke to Jess, "Hey, Dwayne's up-"

"In more ways than one, I bet..."

Glancing down, I couldn't say she was wrong.

"Anyway, I just wanted to let you know where I'm gonna be for the next few days – hug Tori for me, okay?"

"I will! Remember: hydration, food – oh! And lube-"

Dwayne reached out for the phone, and I leaned back, rushing out a quick, "Bye, Jess - I'll talk to you later!"

Hitting the 'end' button, I looked up at him. "There – all done."

Gripping the fabric of my borrowed shirt, he pulled me against him.

"You could have woken me up, you know." His voice was the quiet rumble of a coming storm.

Winding my arms around his neck, I shook my head. "We would have gotten distracted. Again."

He ran a hand along my side. "I can think of worse ways to spend a morning."

"All morning?"

Dwayne nodded, smirking.

Rising up on the balls of my feet, I stared into his eyes, challenging him.

"Prove it."

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