15.0 -the one with an accident

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Date: September 7th, 2021
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada

Jack and Corbyn have been seeing each other for three months and a day, while they've been dating for two months and nine days.


Corbyn and about half of his studio was now in Las Vegas for a dance convention and a competition a few days later. Since competitions got canceled at the beginning of the year they decided to move them to right before actual competition season, which put double the amount of stress on everyone.

Since Dezi was a competition dancer and one of corbyns star students at that she of course went along as well as jack. Being the amazing father that he is he never misses any competition or convention of Dezi's, and now that his boyfriend is also a dancer and a teacher do you really think he's going to skip out on that? Absolutely not.

Mostly everyone's parents came except for some of the older kids, saying they would be there for the competitions a few days later. They have about a whole floor of the hotel to themselves, just like every other studio there. A lot of the students were doubled up on rooms, sharing with their friends and put into a room with a parent if theirs wasn't there with them.

Dezi was already up and in one of her friends rooms getting ready with her, Corbyn was up and going around each room and making sure people were up and getting ready, and jack was in their hotel room going through everything in one of corbyns dance bags.

Yea, one of them, he probably had brough three full duffel bags of things just for dance which made no sense to jack, which is why he was looking in them to see what was in there.

And to say he was confused was an understatement, a lot of the things looked either uncomfortable, confusing, or both. I mean how would he know what duct tape was for? And why there was two rolls of it.

He made sure to keep everything as neat as possible, knowing his boyfriend is particular about where things are placed. Jack looks up as Corbyn walks back into the room, quickly walking over to where jack is and getting things out of his bag that jack was going through.

"I just need to get ready, go around again to make sure everyone's either done or almost getting done getting ready, go and register everyone in the master classes they're supposed to be in, get my schedule for today and hand everyone else's out so they know where to go"

"Do you need help with anything or are you good?"

"I'll be fine, I just need like fifteen minutes to get ready"

"mmkay, and what's the duct tape even for?"

"it's for male dancers if they don't like wearing dance belts"

"Okay and what's a dance belt?"

"It's well- it's basically like a jockstrap but it's padded and not plastic, it also a thong it doesn't have the straps around the butt"

"Okay then, and the duct tape is for...?"

Corbyn sighs, double checking that he grabbed everything he needs to get ready, including the duct tape.

"It's for tucking"

"I have no idea what that is"

"You- you use the duct tape to pull everything back so you can't see it and it doesn't move while you're dancing"

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