11.0 -the one with the magazine cover

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Corbyn gets out of his car as soon as he parks, a panicked look on his face as he walks through the large parking lot, walking up towards the front where jack had just parked in his reserved parking space, walking around the car and falling into step with Corbyn as they walk, shoulders lightly brushing each other's.

"I've already scheduled a meeting with the editors, photographers and the company owner. We have about fifteen minutes before everyone is expected"

"I just don't get why that would be the title of it, it was offensive and not okay"

"I know dove, I know, I'm handling it. I'm so sorry you had to see such things like that be said about you"

"It's okay, it wasn't your fault. Neither of us knew there were photographers or that anything was getting put out"

"I still could have prevented it, I'm starting to keep a closer eye on things that are getting posted about you, myself and my companies, this uncovered a lot of other terrible things that have been being said"

Corbyn smally nods, gently grabbing jacks hand a shuffling closer to him once they're inside the elevator, leaving a soft kiss on jacks cheek.

"It'll be okay, everything's gonna get sorted out how it should be"

"I know, it just makes me mad that people don't respect peoples privacy, especially when it comes to important people in my life"

Corbyn lightly blushes, looking over to jack as the elevator dings, fixing jacks tie a bit before the doors open.

"C'mon hot stuff, you've got a meeting to prepare for"

Jack fake rolls his eyes, smiling as they get off of the elevator on the top floor, most of the people working on the floor looking up from their work as the two walk in, for multiple reasons, hushed whispers being heard.

"Is that the guy from the magazine covers? He looks way too young"

"I mean the title is probably true, he barley looks twenty and is seeing someone in their thirty's"

"Well I see why Avery would be interested in him, he looks like a twink if you ask me"

"He's right, what twenty year old would be with someone ten years older than them and not be in it for the-"

"I suggest you choose your next words about my boyfriend wisely. If I hear one more negative thing about him you will not like what happens, get back to work before we have some real problems."

Everyone quickly stops talking and turns back to their work, a few sharing some looks as if they were trying to keep communicate without actually talking.

Jack guides Corbyn into his rather large office by the small of his back, shutting the door and sighing.

"I'm sorry you had to even hear any of that, looks like I'll be having two meetings today"

"It's okay handsome, your office is nice, kind of big though"

Corbyn sits down on the edge of jacks desk, jack smiling and kissing corbyns forehead, causing Corbyn to blush and look away.

"You are just too damn cute sometimes"

Corbyn giggles, playfully rolling his eyes as moves to stand between his legs.

"Well thank you, I try"

"Easy work for someone as beautiful as you"

Corbyn slyly smiles, pulling jack closer to him by his tie, jacks hands resting on corbyns hips.

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