Authors note
The story you are about to read is completely Non-fiction. It is a true story about what I have experienced this Spring Break. I hope that you enjoy reading about my tail as much as I loved experiencing it!Sometimes a once in a lifetime chance blows through your hair like a warm summer breeze. It hits you and suddenly you realize that you can't sit idly by and wait for it to pass you by. You have to pounce on it like the young kitten chasing the string dancing along the ground and through the air. For me this once in a lifetime chance was a trip to London and Paris through my school, Kent theodore Roosevelt high school.
I had originally come a crossed this chance when I was a sophomore in high school. The school had put up posters all over the hallways and in every english classroom. This trip was for the next spring break at that time and would cost over 3, 000 dollars for room, board, flight, and two meals a day. At the time I didn't think much of it. I was interested but didn't know anyone who was going and didn't really want to go if I had no friends going. Then I found out that my english teacher was one of the chaperones. At the time I disliked my english teacher with a passion and all thoughts of going to london evaporated from my brain on the spot and I went on my merry way without ever thinking about it again.
Then the beginning of junior year I found out that one of my friends I had met in chemistry sophomore year and had become friends with over the summer was going on the trip. After that I asked my parents if I could go and they told me that I would have to research it all first and figure out exactly what all was going on and what I needed. So I talked to another teacher that was going on the trip and was the person in charge of communicating with the travel company that was sponsoring us. I email the teacher and spoke with him directly several times before asking my parents again. To my dismay they saId they couldn't come up with the money. I then dropped the subject.
Then, two months before we were scheduled to leave my mom told me that she recently transferred jobs and would be working at a new clinic. (My mother is a woman's health nurse practitioner.) Because of this transfer she couldn't transfer her retirement fund from her old job. She would receive the money regardless of what she said so she decided that she would use that money to pay for the trip all at once. I told her she really didn't need to do that and that I was fine with not going, but she insisted that the money would be better spent on an overseas trip then say on groceries.
After that we paid for the trip and got everything set up. I was thrilled obviously, but at the same time it was hard to show it. Most of the time I didn't really think about it because I just couldn't believe that I was going to London of all places. A place I have always wanted to see due to partly to my obsession with british television shows like Doctor Who and Sherlock and my love for Harry Potter. Now that the plane leaves in less than two days I can hardly contain my excitement especially when I'm sleeping and having dreams about what I might do there.
I am very thankful for being give the chance to do this once in a lifetime experience.
There are so many things I want to see and I doubt I'll get to see them all. After all it's only an 11 day trip! I'm going to use this site to write down and share all of my wonderful experiences while I'm abroad. I want to share my story, A Visit to London, with you.
author's note
Sorry for not getting this up on the 21st I have been WAY to tired to do anything but sleep when I get back to the hotel but tonight we came back early so I wasnt as tired. This is just the first part of the first day of my spring break. This was probably the most nerve racking part for me and probably the most boring part so I hope you guys bare with me untill I get to the good parts when I actually am in london. I hope you like my story! By the way this is the #justwriteit challenge!
A visit to London
DiversosSome times a once in a life time chance blows through your hair like a warm summer breeze. It hits you and suddenly you realize that you cant sit idly by and wait for it to pass you by. You have to pounce on it like the youg kitten chasing the strin...