chapter two.. insta stalking

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It's been a few weeks since I officially got the internship and let me tell you it's been crazy. Since filming takes place in Charleston, and I'm currently a 4-hour drive from there, it's not practical for me to commute, so I've had to pack my things up and search for a decent, safe place closer to there. I'm excited though, I love to travel and change my scenery so to me it feels like a breath of fresh air.

One thing I've learned though is Charleston is not cheap. Growing up I had to teach myself how to be independent when Dad walked out—it's a shame that a 10-year-old has to decide to not rely on anyone. Sure, he's apologized, and I've tried to be the bigger person, but I'll never let my guard down.

To my dad, money talks. He's always thought money is the most important thing. Even after leaving us, he constantly tried to associate paying for schooling equated to parenting. My mom worked 2 jobs to make sure I was able to do things a kid should get to experience, but of course, since he cuts that tuition check, he's the parent of the year.

Reluctantly, I phoned my dad to tell him about my internship and asked him for help (promising to take over once I started getting paid).

Just as I was taping up another box, my doorbell rang. I sat the tape down and went to the door, checking through the peephole all I could see was a wine label. I shook my head laughing, knowing exactly who it was.

I opened the door to see Lucy with 2 huge bottles of wine, "Hi Luce! What's up?"

"Babe, it's your last night in town!! We have to have a wine night." She said as she stepped into the bare living room.

"You know me too well. I'm all down for it as long as you help me finish packing some stuff." I grabbed the bottles of wine from her and walked into the kitchen, then I remembered...

"We have a problem, I forgot I already pa-" just as I was about to finish my sentence Lucy pulled 2 wine glasses and an opener from her bag.

"Like I said, you know me too well."


A few hours later plus nearly 2 bottles of wine down, Lucy and I were way too tipsy. On the bright side, we successfully finished my packing before getting too far down the bottle though. I looked over at Lucy and she was looking at me with her eyebrow raised,

"Oh no." I sighed, "Why are you 'oh no-ing' at me." Lucy questioned.

"Because you have that 'up to know good' look on your face." I sat my glass down beside me and repositioned myself on the floor.

"Welllll, I do have a question." Lucy stated, still looking at me with a raised brow.

"Okayyyyy", I said matching her silly tone, obviously from the wine.

"Have you looked up the cast you'll be working with?" she questioned.

"I mean not really... I've seen the 1st season so I didn't really think about anything further."

"Liv!! We need to do that... like now. OBX has some serious hotties on there. Oh my god, what if you hook up with someone on there." Lucy was now out of her seated position rushing to my side.

"Luce, you're too drunk right now." I rolled my eyes laughing, "there will be no hooking up or dating of any kind. I've got to focus on my internship and I don't want to mess that up."

"Whatever you say, Liv, but who knows." I looked over at my crazy, wine-drunk friend, who was wiggling her eyebrows.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't find any of them attractive, but seriously I can't risk jeopardizing this opportunity. Plus, why would any of them even find me attractive? "I probably won't even get to interact with the cast, Lucy," I stated before taking another sip of wine.

I picked up my phone and opened Instagram. "Okay, who should we start with?" I asked, Lucy immediately perked up.

"Rudy!! I'm a sucker for some JJ Maybank." She giggled, I typed in his user and pulled his profile up. "How is it fair for someone to be attractive." I sighed, earning a laugh from Lucy, "OHHH click that one!!" she pointed to a photo. I enlarged it admiring everything.

"Okay, you pick next." Lucy looked at me, "Hmm... who plays Rafe?" I questioned.

"Omg not country club!!" she giggled, I opened safari and typed it in. Drew Starkey. I went back to Instagram and typed him in the search bar and he was the first profile to come up. I clicked on the latest post and swiped through the photos. I must have been in my own world, because soon I saw Lucy's hand waving in front of my eyes, "Helloooo earth to Liv??", I looked up and saw her wiggling those damn eyebrows again. "Of course you'd find Rafe attractive. Your daddy issues are screaming right now, boo." She laughed, "Um let's make 2 things clear." I joked, "1. I find Drew attractive not the psycho, but 2. I can see why Rafe is the way he is on the show."  


I'm currently in the middle of moving back to school, but I wanted to get something out there for you guys!! Thanks for being patient and I hope you're liking it so far!

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