chapter three.. ghost town

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The move to Charleston went really well. Mom helped me arrange a moving company to get all my stuff there and up the stairs (thank God since I was on the 6th floor in the complex). Since Charleston was only 4 hours away I decided to drive myself there, so I was able to have my car, Ricky Bobby, with me. When I was 16 my dad popped in to hand me the keys to a red Volkswagen bug convertible. It was and still is the cutest thing ever; definitely on its last leg since it was an '06 but I won't get rid of him 'til he dies on me.

I arrived in Charleston a week before filming for Season 2 was set to start that way I was sure to have my things all lined up. As each day passed and Monday crept closer, the butterflies in my gut grew even more. I was so excited for what was about to come, but I couldn't help but feel anxious. I'm grateful that my internship starts a good month before my fall semester classes, that way I can get in the groove of a routine.

As Sunday approached I took the day to go get groceries and start preparing for my first day. I walked down to my car and typed in the nearest Publix into my maps and started the 10-minute drive. The drive to Publix was surprisingly relaxing, it was definitely a good decision to get out early to avoid as many people as possible. I grabbed my reusable bags from the passenger seat and headed towards the elevators.

It was basically a ghost town in the store I only saw a few workers every so often. Once I grabbed some produce and snacks I made my way to the meat section. I stood there waiting for a second while I scanned my thoughts trying to think about what meals I would be fixing in the next week. In the middle of my thoughts, I could sense someone around me, but I didn't think much about it.

I exited my notes app and locked my phone before reaching for a pack of chicken breasts, but accidentally bumped into a hand going for the same thing as me. I quickly pulled back, "Sorry about that!" I quietly laughed and looked up. I was met with a pair of dark brown eyes that looked familiar.

"No that's all on me. I didn't even realize we were going for the same thing." The handsome figure chuckled, reaching his hand behind his head. When he spoke it hit me that it was Drew standing in front of me.

Mentally, I went through two possible scenarios. I could keep my cool and act like I don't know who he is, or I could introduce him and tell him I would be working with him tomorrow. I was torn though—I didn't want to make him feel weird or put him on the spot, so I chose to just keep my job title to myself.

"It's totally fine. It's too early for me right now." I sat my phone down into my shopping cart, "I was too caught up in my own world."

I could tell it was too early for him too; you could see the sleepiness still prominent in his eyes. He was wearing a plain t-shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants with a light jacket. He had a baseball cap on top of his light brown hair. Drew reached over and grabbed the chicken, placing it in my cart, "There you go." He smiled at me. "I'm Drew." He extended his hand.

I took it lightly shaking it, "It's nice to meet you. My name's Olivia!" I responded, neither of us letting our hands drop.

"You didn't have to do that" I nodded my head towards the chicken in my basket. We let our hands go and he let out a quiet laugh, "It's totally fine." His eyes held humor in them. The sleepiness seemed to have disappeared.

I smiled at him before saying, "Well, I'll let you get back to picking some new chicken. It was nice to meet you, Drew."

Drew looked at me with a smile and raised his hands to adjust his hat, "see you around."

Did that really just happen?

Did I really just successfully act like a normal person? I probably looked like shit. I didn't even get his number I'm such an idiot.

I grabbed my last few items and made my way to the self-checkout. I took my sweet time, to hopefully see him again, hoping he would come up to me and ask for my number, but no luck.

I loaded my groceries into the trunk of my bug and returned my shopping cart.

As I was sitting in my car procrastinating and trying to find a Spotify playlist. I looked up and saw him coming out of the doors into the parking deck.

It might just be my mind playing games with me, but it looked like he was looking to see if I was still here or not. Pushing the thought from my head, I found a song to play and headed home.


4 a.m. came early, I didn't sleep the greatest because my nerves kept me up. In the information email Emmie sent to us she told us to come dressed practical, but professional. Since we were getting an early start the air in Charleston was cool, so I opted to wear a fitted black tee, denim jeans, and a light jacket. I wore my Nike air forces and added the same gold necklaces and rings I always wear. Curled my hair and did light make-up. I mentally reminded myself to grab a claw clip for my hair because I knew when it warmed up my hair would not appreciate the heat and humidity.

My apartment was only a 7-minute walk to where we were supposed to be meeting today. I left nearly 45 minutes early to factor in getting lost or who knows what, but the thought of being late crushed me. I pushed my Airpod Pros into my ears and pressed the elevator button. Deciding to play Harry Styles to ease my nerves.

The walk only took 10 minutes. It was easy to find, and my badge was able to successfully get me into the building where our meeting would be. I had 30 minutes to spare when I arrived, but I didn't want to be the first to go in.

I made my way to the door and peered into the window to see if anyone was there. I saw a few people, maybe crew? Either way, I couldn't make myself go in yet.

"It's not that scary you know." A hushed deep voice said close to my ear. I immediately knew who it was and the butterflies in my stomach tripled.


If you've voted for this thank you so much :') it means a lot!! I'm so excited now that drew's been introduced into the story!!

Also, just so we're all on the same page, Covid isn't a thing in this story. We're surrounded by that, and I want this to be an escape from what's going on. I miss our old normal :( 

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