Face to Face

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"It is 6 am- in Brooklyn, New york" Khloe groaned as the alarm to her phone went off, saying the time and where. She shifted and turned it off as she rolls over. What she would have gave to just sleep in on days all the time like regular normal people. But she wasn't normal, no. Not even in the slightest way

Slowly she sat up and shifted the sheets so she could, and stretched her arms and legs to prepare for a morning workout. Moving to the floor she proceeded to just do light movements, knowing today was the major day at hand, to kill him.

Doing yoga positions and some push ups she did to finish off  the workout within an hour, feeling a bit better now that she had done so. She gets up and walks over to her duffle bag and opens it up as she takes out a large folder and some paper as well as a pen, and walks over to the desk with them, laying them down onto it before sitting down in the chair

As she sat she rummaged through the hotels coffee maker for rooms and starts to make her some as well as tea. Sitting there she gets started on planning, opening a map of the areas and looking at files and papers. A small nod came from her as she noted he had a home address, that was not new to her. Many people she was task to take out had many addresses of residence, but he had one- besides the facility and compound, but only one home? This made her narrow down places to go to eliminate him

Taking the opportunity she makes sure she studies the routes around, she would need to remember if she got lost. Her finger glided around the map, followed by a pen drawing a line right behind it so she knew. Turning to open her computer she quickly starts to type, logging into extra files that could not be put onto paper, as in videos and things in that nature. As she opened them she pulls his file up and watches through it and bites her thumb as she did. She started to write down things he was doing specifically to she had some  Leeway to it all if it came to blackmailing

As time went by and the hours grew heavier, she glances up to see the clock- but was cut off with her phone going off as well "It is 10 am- time time work" she sighed and shakes her head, cleaning up everything she could and downed the last of her drink. She hated when she had to set alarms on everything just to keep her schedule on time

She was hoping to find him before three that afternoon, but knowing it was just her and it was going to make it a bit more difficult than any of the ones she had taken out before. She rubs her head for a moment before slowly standing up in her spot, moving to put her folders in her bag and zips it up. Walking over to her suit she zipped it up, putting her shoes and belts on as well as her vest. She looked into the mirror and things for a moment as she looked herself over and going to her bag and grabbing a hair tie

Slowly walking back over to the mirror she pulled her long black hair into a mid ponytail and swings a bit around to make sure it was secure, which it was by a long shot. She smiles as she pull a few pieces out and nods, she never did this for a mission, so the change was new and she didnt know how or what to make of it. Walking over to hide her bags in case someone came in, she hid it well and grabbed her mask

Putting it on so she was covered she grabbed the notes of where she was supposed to go and grabbed one back with her weapons. Going to the door she opens it and is faced with a family walking past, a little girl walking with her hand in her moms hand and she looked to khloe "Mommy! look at the pretty lady!! I want to be like her!!" The mother nods and apoligizes to khloe about what just happened

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