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It's in the eyes,
Always the eyes....


Working tirelessly on his laptop, he was diverting his mind from the incident which took place at the dinning table, wanting to subside anger he was feeling towards his family and that stupid girl.

He was so immersed in his thoughts that he did not realised his mother entering the office.

"Jahangir..." Asifa begum called him I a soft voice, squeezing his shoulder, observing his anxious state.

His watch was lying carelessly on the desk, his hair were messed up as he had raked his fingers through them tirelessly, his lips were set in a grim line, eyebrows furrowed and jaw clenched... And he was typing on his laptop with so much passion that she thought he was planning to murder it.

Ye to pehle se jallad bana baitha hai. Haye Allah! Main kaise baat karu isse ?!

Asifa begum dreaded to talk with her stubborn first born, but when he looked at her she smirked inwardly knowing there was no point to feel scared.

At last he was her son and he was in no condition to intimidate her. She was at upper hand here!

"Kya hua ammi ?! Why are you here ?" Jahangir asked raising his eyebrows, even when he could speculate the reason of her arrival.

"I-i..." starting off with a too sweet smile which could put shame to candies, she made Jahangir groan in annoyance, confirming his speculations.

"If you are here to talk about Aria then you should go from here. She doesn't want me to involve in her life--" he cut her off, not wanting her to expect anything from him. He was powerless as long as Aria denied his help....

Only if she asks for his help, then god's swear he would turn the world upside down. No one would ever dare force her, and the same rule applied to him.

But she wasn't with him and thus he was quiet. Quiet like a lion, waiting for his turn.

"--and you would let her ?! Would you let her destroy herself so easily ?" his mother cried seeing his detachment.
How could he let her destroy her life knowing going into Raizada family was a abyss ?!

"I can't do anything ammi." he couldn't meet eyes with his mother, feeling her sadness seeping into him, extracting the emotions he was suppressing for so long.

"Wo bachi hai Jahangir. Use samajh nahi hai in cheezon ki--" wiping her tear Asifa begum said, trying to make him understand of Aria's naivety, making him laugh at her statement.

"Right! But aday jaan ko to hai na ? Chacha jaan ko bhi hai, aur Abba Jaan ko bhi. And these three want her to get married to that Raizada." he mocked his family members with clenched fists, laughing at their stupidity to gift their blood to the Raizada clan.

The same family who was bloodsucking leeches for their blood.

He couldn't understand their desperation of marrying Aria into their family. She could get any man she wanted but why him ?! That Raizada blood!!


"Don't trouble me ammi! I can't do anything. I am helpless." he gave her his verdict, feeing his heart pierce watching the dejected look of his mother. To avoid it, he turned his gaze towards the laptop and started working on it or say pretended to work on it.

He thought she gave up and waited for her to leave but instead he heard her scream and bang his table."YOU ARE NOT JAHANGIR! You can save her. Usse shaadi kar lo beta and she will be saved." her eyes pored out tears of frustration, but he was not fazed by them knowing how dramatic she was and it was another idea of her's, to trap him into marrying Aria.

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