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Horrified, the couple looked at each other wide-eyed, thunderstruck by the unwanted intrusion of the two women’s ecstatic presence, standing at the threshold of the room. It took them a few seconds to come out of the state of paralysis, to their senses.

Aria took in the condition they were caught in. Jahangir was holding her, his hands decisive over her waist, strong in hold, while she was sitting on his lap like a flustered queen.

And he wasn’t the only one to be blamed. 

She too had equal contribution to the scandalous affair they were trapped in. She freaking had her head plastered over his chest, like a lover dwelling in her beloved's embrace! 

Quick to react, she pushed Jahangir with such a force that he landed on bed with a loud thud. The force blew his senses, tottering his mind in a frenzy state for a few seconds…. And by the time he got his senses right, he felt anger coursing his veins.

He felt aggravated towards his wife who pushed him. No! It wasn’t because of the push, but because she rushed away from him as if he had electroused her, and they were caught committing some crime.

They were husband and wife for God sakes!

Groaning, he stood up as well and faced the two women. He deliberately chose to stand beside his wife to tell her that she couldn’t run away from him, but in turn, she enraged him more by stepping away from him meekly, thinking he didn’t notice that small action of hers.

Who was going to tell her that he had started noticing all her actions more than she ever did ?!

“G-ul..phu-phupho ?…”Jahangir watched as she stuttered, rubbing her red cheeks which were flaming hot with embarrassment.

God! She looked so adorable with those wide, pretty doe eyes stuck over phuppho anticipating her reaction. If he wasn’t wrong then he also saw a tinge of fear in those baby blues. He frowned, taking a step in her direction to console and shield her, but his steps halted hearing their phuppho’s sarcastic voice.

Unlike Aria, he was not even fazed by their presence. At first, he was a little embarrassed, but it changed the second his wife pushed him away. Every thought of shame took a backseat, and he was again entrapped with his wife.

“Nahi to! Gul nahi, Gul ki rooh hu main!” there was a little, tiny, mischievous smile on her face which his wife wasn’t able to decode and gasped, offended by her words. 

“Phuppho kaisi baat kar rahi hai aap ?!” Jahangir literally swooned at his wife’s innocence. He was unable to decide whether to cry, or laugh first and suddenly got the feeling to bite her cheeks for being so adorable! God! She was so cute!  “Allah na kare aapki rooh–” he softly pinched her back,  halting her from speaking further and creating problems for them. Gul phuppho was in a full roasting mode, and he knew a hellish ride was awaiting them. 

“Ab Jahangir ke alawa kisi ko dekhogi, to dekhengi na phuppho aur saas! Kyu Jahangir ?!” she teased Aria, feigning anger. The mischief dancing in her eyes turned Aria more timid, if that was even possible. She couldn’t even meet eyes with Tayi ammi who was her greatest supporter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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