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Do not forget to vote and comment. I love reading your comments and all my hard work pays off when you all shower your love on the chapter.

Hope this long update compensates for the veryyyyy late update😌😌


He looked at her,
the way she needed to be looked at,
like the whole world could crumble
and he wouldn't blink...



Her heart was heavy, full of sorrow and so were her ocean eyes which stream down countless tears since she came inside her room. Her heart was bleeding so was her soul, which was battered with the betrayal of the most beloved man of her life.

Yes, Aday jaan was the man she treasured the most. Her father loved her and so did she, but the love and the bond, she shared with her grandfather was something out of the world, it could not be told nor it could be described.

But after today she knew it was a hoax, always had been. It was not anything special just like she had always thought, but a facade he had put on because she was a commodity for him that could be exchanged in place of their family assets.

How will you matter Aria?! You are no Nawab who's each and every word is carved on stone. You are an emotional idiot who could be fooled with a few soft words.

A loud chuckle escaped her wobbly lips, learning her worth.... her worth which was much less than the assets they were exchanging her for.

Lying on the bed she cried silently over the betrayal of her family, never realising when the door of her room was yanked open, Jahangir walking towards her resting figure with a slow pace.

His spicy rich cologne hit her nostrils and she felt him sitting beside her as her bed dipped.

“Aria--” his voice was low and soft, similar to the velvety tone he used for his beloved daughter.

If she was not so emotionally drained and hurt she would surely have gone into a shock at his unusual tone, but instead she turned her head towards him and asked him to let her be.

“Can you please leave me alone? I want to be alone.” she did not dare meet dark brooding eyes of the man who was trying to look through her soul, boring stares into her with the desperation to read her.

She couldn't let him look through her, she couldn't! She knew one look of his and she would crumble and bare her soul to him.

“I am needed here, besides you and I am not leaving even when you say so.”  his answer rendered her to close her eyes shut in frustration. Of course! When was the last time he listened to me. Tum hi pagal ho Aria, Jahangir Riyaz Durrani kisi ki nahi sunte khaskar tumhari! Before she could retort or force him to leave, she felt his hand raking through her tresses, massaging her scalp as if he was adoring a child.

Her eyes closed as she sighed audibly, if she did not know, she would have fallen for him right then and there, for his care thinking as love, but she knew better! He pitying her for what had happened.

But did she needed his pity or sympathy ?! It was a big NO!

“But I don't want anyone here.” Especially you! The root cause of everything. She wanted to scream, even yell at him to leave and let her do the pity party alone but she dared not. He was still the man she feared most, the man who intimidated her like no other, moreover she had no energy to fight him, so she chose the option to civily request him.

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