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You are not the darkness you endured.

You are the light that refuses to surrender.

                      -John Mark Green


“Allah! Meri bachi...” Asifa begum cried helplessly, contemplating an unconscious Aria in her arms. She was so anxious of her critical state that she bypassed Jahangir’s  revelation.

She wasn't a woman to elude things but that moment her attention was only reserved towards Aria, who was now lying in her arms looking like a sleeping beauty.

Oh! How innocent that girl was! But her son was blind or say totally impaired to behold her greatness.

“Kya kiya tumne Jahangir ?! Halat to dekho uski.” a soft whimper escaped her lips as she accused her son, tracing the rims of Aria’s tear stained cheeks, seething at Jahangir who was silent observing Aria with unfathomable expressions.

(What did you do Jahangir ?! Just look at her condition.)

What was wrong with him?! Why was he acting so dumb, so lost ?

“Ab bolo bhi ya main apna khusa nikaloon ?” her eyes blazed with fire when she bellowed over Jahangir, jerking him out of his pity party, slapping him on his shoulder. She was in no mood of tolerating his dumb lunacy.

(Are you going to speak or should I pull out my shoes ?)

She wanted answers and that too right now! Otherwise, God swear he was about to see her worst side.

“You can scream at me a much as you want ammi, but let me please take her inside now!” Asifa begum blinked stunned at her son's calm reply. It was all a facade, a guise which was obscuring his real emotions.

He was frantic, he was guilty, and she could see strom brewing inside his forest eyes, strengthening the base of her accusations.

Her son totally had hand, NO! scratch that he had his whole being behind Aria’s critical state, and if he thought he could go unharmed by caring for Aria, then boy he was so wrong!

She was going to hound him till Aria’s every single tear was avenged.

But for now she kept quiet comprehending he was right. Aria needed rest and thus she quietly followed her son like a ticking bomb, letting him take her to his wing, knowing no one would enter his wing  and she would be easily able to demand answers from him without any interruption.

Her eyes furrowed in question watching Jahangir carry Aria frantically towards his room. He could had placed her in any room of his vast wing but he chose his room! Why? She had no clue.

It was when she saw him sprinkling water over Aria’s face, she pulled his hand, making him stand in front of her, ready to drive answers out of him.

Her anxiety rose a level higher as she observed Jahangir’s forehead creasing with concern. His eyes were rimmed red from the corners and he was breathing heavily as if his heart was burdened with something hefty.

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