Chapter 20

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Damn it.

I turn around to face, who else, Nick.

"We don't. I don't want to." I say, trying not to give away my emotions.

"Ellie," Nick starts, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just want to talk to you. Please. Give me another chance?" He says, grinning.

I shake my head. "No."

His face falls, and he starts backing away. When there's about 5 meters between us, he turns and walks away.

"You really were done." Kylie says with disbelief.

"Can we go home? Unless you want to stay with your date, that's perfectly fine." I say, secretly hoping she'll go with me.

"Hell no I'm not staying here. Let's go, I'll call my mom once we get outside." Kylie says, smiling.

I nod, and we walk out of the school building side by side.

Once outside, Kylie calls her mom and in five minutes, the car pulls up in front of us. We run to the car, and get inside quickly.

We spend the rest of the night reading magazines and gossiping about celebrities. Cliché.

The next school day
"I'm so late." I mutter to no one in particular, as I rush through the halls, trying to make it to second period class.

My lovely morning started off with having to go to the bathroom, due to the fact that I didn't go before we left.

Then Sierra walked in and somehow locked me in, so I spent 20 minutes trying to get out. I ended up crawling under the door. Then when I got to my locker, it was stuck, so I had to get a custodian who happened to be halfway across the school. Then when it finally unlocked, all my books fell out.

Now I'm rushing through the hallways my books almost falling out of my arms. When I finally burst through the doors of my class, everybody's heads turn to look at me.

"Why are you late Miss Laster?" My teacher asks me.

"My locker was stuck." I mumble, and take my seat.

Since I was so late, that class ended 20 minutes later. I made my way to Biology, which I happened to have with Kylie.

I took my seat beside her, and quickly told her about my morning, before the teacher walked in. Once I finished, I started doodling in my notebook.

"Morning class! We have a new student joining us today, they're a transfer from Fieldson Academy Private School." The teacher announces.

I snap my head up, recognizing the school, just as the teacher says his name.

A/N: The suspense.... Just to clear it up, she knows Will from before.

I'm sorry that the chapters have been really crappy recently, I honestly don't know why.

Lots of you have been asking about the cover. So we're voting. Just let me know in the comments which cover you prefer, by commenting either B&W or Colour.

Thanks to mxnong Hungry-_-Hippo nora_ahmadi haleywickens8 arianna100o1 for always voting for this story, and never giving up on it.

I'll be adding a cast member for Will, and he will be played by Gregg Sulkin. (Mason in Wizards of Waverly Place, and Will in Avalon High.) *no that's not why I picked the name Will, I just happen to love that name*

This has to officially be the longest authors note I have made in this story.

If you want to make me covers, feel free to, I always love to see your covers.

What are your predictions for this story? Put them in the comments, can't wait to see what you think!

Make sure to share this story with family and friends, and vote for each chapter! Comments are always appreciated!

Ps. Unedited chapter

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