Chapter 35

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"They lied to you." I tell the police officer standing in the doorway. "They're homeless, and don't have a home to provide for me."

"They showed us the house. They're lawyers, do you think they would lie?"

"Do you think they would both leave their daughter with no money, and no warning or reason?" I raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, me neither."

"If they're indeed homeless like you're saying, where is the temporary "home" they're staying at?" The police officer asks.

"A hut. On the beach." His eyes widen. "That's what I did too."

"Look, why don't you show us this hut, then maybe we'll believe you." The officer suggests.

I sigh. "Let me put on some shoes then I can show you. Okay?"

The officer nods and walks back to his cruiser. I close the door and put on my shoes.

"Ellie, do you want me to come?" Peyton asks.

"No, that's okay Peyton, I'll be fine." I assure her, and I walk out the door to the cruiser.

I knock on the tinted window. "I'm ready."

"Aren't you going to put on a jacket?" He asks me tiredly.

"We live in California."

He gets out of his car. "Take me to the hut."

I walk down the Mattern's driveway, and lead the officer to the hut where my parents are currently discussing in low voices.

"This is it." I announce, and step inside.

The officer's eyes narrow. "Mr. and Mrs. Laster, please come with me."

My parents get up from their spots on the hut floor and take shaly steps towards the officer. He handcuffs them both then turns a few knobs on his walkie-talkie. "Hello? This is officer Walker. I'm going to need one or two more officers on the job here."

A garbled reply comes from the other end, and officer Walker steps out of the hut momentarily to respond.

"Ellie honey, why would you turn us in?" My mom asks in a hurt voice.

"You think I want to live here? In a hut? With my least favorite people on earth?"

"But we're still your parents..." My dad tries to defend himself.

"The ones who left me to figure out life on my own." I snap, just as the officer comes back in, flanked by two other officers.

"Let's go." Walker says, and he grabs my dad. Another officer grabs my mom, while the last one stays behind, prodding my parents in the back with a police baton. I walk out of the hut behind them.

"Thank you." I say to the officers.

"You can continue living with the Mattern's, but you're going to have to ask them if they're willing to either adopt you or be your foster family." One of the officers informs me.

"Okay." Is all I say, and I leave the beach, and make my way to the Mattern's house.

"How did it go?" Peyton asks as I step through the door.

"Good. They got arrested."

"That's great!" Will says, walking towards us and coming to a stop beside Peyton.

"The officer also said that your family is allowed to either adopt or foster me." I tell them.

Will's face lights up.

"You're not adopting me." I cut in, before he can say anything. "It's fine if you guys become my foster family though."

"What's wrong with adopting?" Peyton and Will ask at the same time.

"I'm 17, adopting sounds weird." I say, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

They both give me strange looks and I roll my eyes at them. "It just does, okay?"

"I'll go tell mom and dad." Peyton says, and runs off into the family room.

I cast my eyes downwards as I realize I'm alone with Will, because I haven't had a conversation with him since the night he confessed that he loves me.

I fiddle with my fingers awkwardly. "So..."

"Are you mad?" He asks bluntly.

"I... No." I answer. "I just don't know what to do."

"Why do you need to do something?" He asks. "That night, you didn't even say anything, you just shoved me out of your room."

"Sorry about that..."

"I'm sure you are." He says, and he leaves.

I let out a big puff of air and take my shoes off. I toss my head back and gather all my hair to put it into a ponytail with the elastic band on my wrist.

"What happened to you two?" Peyton asks, appearing in front of me.

I look at her, and decide I can trust her. "Will confessed that he loves me."

"And..?" She asks.

"And? It's a big deal!" I protest.


I start from the beginning and tell her the whole story. From the morning I bumped into Nick to now. When I'm done, she looks like a deer in the headlights.

"That's how it's a big deal." I answer her question.

"You have to give them an answer." Peyton whispers.


"An answer, you have to give them one."

"Peyton, what do you mean?"

"Get them together, and tell them who you choose." She says, sort of like she's in a trance.

"I can't. I don't have a choice." I tell her.

"You do Ellie, and you know it."

She's right. I think, and I start walking up the stairs.

"Ellie?" Peyton calls. "Make sure you do what you think is best."

I smile, and continue to the stairs.


"Why are we here?" Jesse asks, glaring at both Nick and Will.

"You're here, because I've made a decision."

"A decision about what?" Nick asks.

"Who I'm choosing." I say quietly. "Who I'm choosing." I say louder, after seeing their looks of confusion.

Nick and Jesse freeze, as if they never saw this day coming.

"That's right, I'm choosing." I confirm.

They all look at me expectantly.

I take a deep breath. "I choose..."

A/N: Hey! I have some very important news guys...


And no, this is not an April Fool's joke, I'm serious. This is the last chapter of Don't- excuse me, Choices.

As you may have noticed, the cover and name of Don't Try has indeed been changed to Choices. Don't hate, I just felt that Don't Try didn't go with the story.

For those who already entered the contest, like I've said many times, your entries still count, even if the say Don't Try. (Attached is a cover made by nora_ahmadi ) The deadline is still May 25th.

For the prize that says you get to know what happens next, even though this is the end, there's still things for you to know.

Credits for the ending go to my awesome friend Grace. Sadly, she's not on Wattpad, but she still reads this story, so thank you for that.

I'm posting a thank you chapter next, so hang tight!

Don't hate me for not warning you of the last chapter and for the ending.



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