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After everyone had agreed, though Rindou seemed not to like the idea at all, the group left the restaurant.
However Ran excused himself, having another place to be at.

Roxana was quick to lock arms with the other woman, smiling down onto her due to being taller, especially with the high heeled boots at her feet. Icy chains around her neck clinking a bit at her hurried steps, taking them away from the guys, rushing towards a matte onyx lamboorgini, steps skipping in excitement.
"So, you're Rin's girl, huh?" She chirped, the way she was so loud and lively contrasted the woman from earlier a lot. Now, she seemed like the perfect match for Sanzu, Y/N thought to herself, chuckling with her.
"Yeah, but he is being a dick tonight, so I am avoiding him." Y/N confessed, shaking her head in disappointment.
Laughing, the woman next to Y/N threw her head back, before leaning down to her ear, "Well then, let's get the rise out of him, babe."
"Hey, wait up!" Rindou called out, visibly annoyed by the way Roxana dragged away his significant other.
"And why would we?" She snapped, eyes burning through him as she faced him.
"Because Y/N is my woman and she comes with me!" He argued, bewildered at the rudeness of his opposite.
"Huh?! Listen here, and listen well! Just because I am dating you, it doesn't mean you own me, you prick!" Y/N chimed in, face almost red with anger.
"Exactly. Men don't own their girlfriends, just because we allow you to be around us, doesn't mean shit. Never forget that." Roxana added, voice sharp and clear, cutting through the slight breeze.
"Well, hun, that's not what you said ear-" And before Sanzu could even answer he was shut down by the woma yelling over his voice, "One more word and I will bite your dick off the next time you're hard!"
With that, she led Y/N to the passengers seat of the expensive car before anyone could even protest she had slid into the driver's seat, drifting out of the parking lot, turning to Y/N for the last time, giving her a crazed out smile, "Hold on tight, amore." And with that, she sped off.
Leaving behind the men.

"Why is she always like that?!" Rindou groaned before rushing towards the car Inosuke was in charge of, "Get in, we will lose them!"
With that, the two got inside the car and Inosuke didn't waste another minute before hurrying after them, their ride long gone.
"No, but seriously, what is it with you two?!" Turning back from the front seat, Rindou growled at the pink haired man, Sanzu only laughed at him, shrugging his shoulders, "She's the Killer Queen. That's why." The end of his sentence in a warning tone.
It was true, Roxana and Sanzu were an insane duo but neither of the two would allow anyone to speak in an ill manner about the other.
Huffing, Rindou sat back, leg shaking anxiously at the thought of his partner being alone, without his protection. And yet again, there was some relief, after all she was together with Bonten's number one assassin.

Arriving at the club Sanzu and his girlfriend had picked, the men were quick to be led inside, after all, it was one of many in direct control of Bonten, meaning Y/N was at the top in this case.
Arriving at the booth, the guys were greeted by the sight of some drinks, the women whispering into each other's ear, giggling at god knows what.
"That was fast," Y/N quirked a playful eyebrow before taking a sip from her mohito.
The music was booming, the crowd going loose, lights flickering, alcohol flowing.
Taking one more shot, Y/N felt herself loosen up even more, slightly dancing to the music on her seat, the heavy bass of the reggaeton beats, the song Sin Pijama setting the mood.
As soon as the first notes of the song hit the ears of the women, they were quick to raise from their seats, excited squeals leaving them, Y/N grabbing onto the hand of her newly found friend, dragging the other to the crowded dance floor, their partners in some sort of business talk and the two girls didn't really care about that at the moment, systems boosted from the alcohol, Roxana having sniffed something off of the backhand of her love prior to the latest row of shots.
As soon as they arrived at the sight, their bodies started to move with each other, hips rolling, hands travelling the other in a playful manner.
It was the time of both their lives. Both girlfriends finally in company of another woman.
And so, they danced, and if one didn't know, they'd expect them to be together, the sensuality between them divine, like two goddesses colliding on the dance floor.
That is, until a more slow song started to play, the dance floor a bit less crowded, the words ringing around the two, the lyrics very much fitting to their situation.
'I need a gangster,
To love me better than all the others do.
To always forgive me,
Ride or die with me.
That's just what gangsters do.'
Y/N's back pressed to the to the other's chest, swaying with her.
That moment, while Y/N's eyes were closed, she felt another pair of hands on top of her waist, slightly above where Roxana's laid. She knew those hands, she knew them better than anyone, they were different from the set that was on her from earlier.
They were soft, yet gripped her stronger, by far larger, veins running up the arms of the man before her, his jacket long gone, vest still clinging to him.

Opening her eyes, she watched the man. Her man.
His eyes were softer than before, an ethereal smile on his face but not for too long.
She felt the hot breath of someone at her neck, plush lips grazing alongside her pulse before placing a kiss on the spot, causing shivers to run down Y/N's back, the expertise with which the kiss was place catching her off guard, eyes widenening before she felt her friend whisper into her ear, voice smooth like a well aged whiskey, low yet so feminine, divine.
"I think someone needs to sort things out," she purred.
Before anyone could say another word, Roxana  softly turned Y/N to face her, eyes darting to her lips before placing one soft kiss to each corner of the other's soft flesh, ghosting over her lips, cocking her head to the side just the slightest bit, placing a soft peck onto the spot she had teased, making direct eye contact with Rindou.
With one swift move the teasing was snatched from the couple,  Sanzu whistling as he held what he considered his against his chest, arms slithering against her.
"I must say that was hot, and sorry to interrupt, hate to break the mood, but I am dying to receive more of where ever that came from." He admitted, shamelessly.
Kissing her neck in the process, he turned, dragging his girlfriend behind himself.
Turning one last time to face Y/N, Roxana gave her a wink, mouthing a 'good luck' to her friend, disappearing into the crowd as she was being dragged towards the VIP rooms at the second floor of the establishment.

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