Pancakes From Heaven

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The next morning she woke up with a sore lower body, muscles aching and begging her to stay in bed.
Lookig up, she could see the angelic face of her boyfriend. He was dead asleep and by the way he hadn't even noticed her sliding down and out of his grasp, she could tell the activities of the night before did not only take a toll on her.

Slipping on a pair of fluffy socks, Y/N dragged herself outside of the room, closing the door quietly behind her back as she wandered downstairs of the club, the area clean and quiet.
Since Y/N and Rindou had spent some nights at the establishment before, she knew there was a large kitchen behind one of the staff doors and as soon as she stood a few meters from her destination, the intoxicating smell of fresh coffee and various breakfast goods hit her senses.
Almost jumping to the scene, she opened the door to the room.
Behind the stove she stood.
Long charcoal hair flowing down her back, a black shirt that barely reached underneath her buttocks thrown on, tatted legs exposed, her feet snug in a pair of black bunny shoes.
Turning around, it was no other than Roxana herself, holding a plate of freshly made french toast as she had given the piece in the pan one last turn.
"Oh, see what the cat brought me." She joked, cigarette placed at the edge of her mouth as she placed the plate onto the table full of glorious foods.
From pancakes to eggs with bacon, fruits and small bakery goods.
As she beamed at her Y/N realized, that just like her, she had been covered in marks, in some ways even worse than herself, the imprint of teeth visibe on her neck and start of her shoulder.
And looking down her thighs looked just as beaten, but at the inner side one could visibly recognize cuts and healing wounds as well as one that seemed newer, it read 'Sanzu' on one inner thigh and 'Haruchiyo' on the other.
Squinting a bit she shrugged her head, as much as Y/N wasn't opposed to the idea of wildness in the sheets, knives and stuff never seemed like an option to her and so far neither did Rindou scratch on the surface.

"Oi, get out of it. 'S just a few cuts. Have looked worse before." She stated before handing her a cup filled with coffee.
"I can imagine," Y/N chirped, settling at the other head of the table stationed in the kitchen, flinching at the sensation against her covered cheeks.
"Rough night, eh?" Roxana mused, blowing out some smoke towards the opened windo of the room, nodding her head at her in amusement.
"Right back at you." Y/N added and for a second it seemed like tension was overcoming them, as if they were competing but in a second both started to laugh taking a sip from their drinks.
"Eat anythin' you want, a brave girl like yourself deserves a treat." Roxana pointed a long nailed finger at the food on the table, getting a plate and some fruits as well as fluffy pancakes for herself.
Humming at the advice, Y/N followed suit.

As soon as the pancake hit her tastebuds her eyes widened, a low moan forming in her throat at the immaculate taste, sweet yet not too sweet, as if biting into a small cloud before entering the doors to heaven.
She could swear she saw an angel in the woman across the table, if it weren't for her being a demon in disguise.
"This is soo good!" Her face lit up, complimenting the cooking of her friend.

Meanwhile the two men had woken up from their slumber just to realize that they were alone, the spot their women slept in empty and cold.
After washing off the sleep from their faces, both of them stood outside their rooms, seperated by only a few doors.
But as soon as they were there, they overheard some suspicious talks.

" 'S so so good! Mmpf!"
"Yeah? Let me give you some more. C'mere, open up wide."
"That's a good girl, now take this as well."
"Whoa! This the best, don't even stop, I beg you!"

Slowly their heads turned to one another,  still a bit hazy until another moan ripped through the air.
A wave of realization hitting them both like a bat, frenzied eyes, wild running minds and their running breaking out.
"Go get your homewrecking girlfriend!"
"HAAAAH? More like your nympho girlfriend who steals men's girls on the dancefloor!"
"Yours got in the car!"
"Yours took her there!"
Shoving and pushing each other on the stairs the two males ran towards the kitchen, barging into the door as they stood there, Haruchiyo left without his shirt and shoes, Rindou missing a sandal as well as his shirt.

But their filthy thoughts werent as filthy as it seemed, though watching the taller woman holding a banana with its candied tip at the flushed lips of the other didn't seem quite too innocent.

"The hell's your problem?" Y/N asked, taking a bite of the fruit, one brow lifted in confusion.
"They thought we fuckin' " Roxana chuckled out, shrugging a bit.
"Well, we might as well be, the food could make me cum here and now." Y/N admitted, laughing along with the other.
"Now, Now boys. Unclench them jaws and booty cheeks, we just playin' but right now is girly time, and you two ain't part of that. Unless you see Koko, ah! There he is, my favorite money slut!" Standing up she hurried to hug the long haired man as he pushed past the other two at the door.
"Who punched these idiots?" Kokonoi asked, surprised at their sudden silence but gloomy mood, popping a cherry into his mouth.
"Will explain soon," Y/N giggled while Roxana got to the door, using one leg to push both men away from the doorway.
"Girls only, and Koko, of course." Winking at the other who sat comfortably on one of the chairs, mockingly judging the two other men with Y/N, making a joke out of them.
"Hey, hey, hey! Why's he allowed but not us?!" Haru complained loudly only to be pushed back with a hand to his face. From behind her, Koko stretched out his tongue towards them, showing them the length of it as well as his middle finger.
"Cuz I said so!" Roxana yelled, finally closing and locking the door, settling next to Kokonoi, the three quickly warming up to each other, talking about this and that, rambling, laughing. Y/N finally getting a different Kokonoi, not the stone hard and mean businessman but a good friend, one she can imagine talking to more often.

Behind the doors stood the boyfriends, the door slammed shut in their faces and the last thing seeing being Kokonoi who had made those gestures towards them a minute ago.
Quietly walking to the wooden structure, Sanzu banged his heavy hand against it, the entrance rattling a bit.

"Imma kill ya Koko! Ya hear me!"
"You're a dead man Kokonoi!"

Joining in, the men spat profanities and threats at the white haired money man, but despite that the three on the other side simply laughed.
"Oh, I wanna see you try!" He giggled, stuffing his mouth with something, before suddenly, Y/N let out a couple of faked moans, yet they were too good to be unreal.
Eyes widening, both Roxana and Kokonoi were quick to realize what she was implying, getting into it as well.
"Mm, Koko! 'S big!"
"I know it is, baby, you takin' me well..So well."
"More, please more, Koko!"
"Ain't my fingers enough for your slutty cunt?"
"Fuck me more,"
"C'mere Y/N, lemmie taste you too~"
"Yes, ma'am.."

The strings in their heads ripped, one powerful kick from Rindou and the door fell to the ground, just to unveil the three giggling and laughing at their murderous looks, though Sanzu had cocked his gun.
"Ya think ya the funniest mother fuckers eh?" Without hesitation both Y/N and Roxana dashed off, slipping past their boyfriends as they ran off.

Rindou was the first to bolt after his woman, Sanzu slightly jumping on his spot, blood thirsty eyes burning holes through Kokonoi's head, the other never backing down.
"Imma deal with ya later!" Tilting his gun at him, Sanzu followed the other three.

Chasing their girlfriends, the usually quiet place was filled with giggles and laughter as Kokonoi sat back, enjoying some good coffee and heavenly food.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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