The Resistance

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The red hue of the sky announced the time that had passed, clock striking six-thirty.
Cars were racing each other, like a hord of wild zebras, each trying to be faster than the other to reach home. At this time of the day the streets were packed, traffic even busier than usual in the city of Tokyo. A city where the lights were never low, always a bright shine illuminating its surroundings in a battle of blue and magenta sprayed across the empty walls.

While the stench of gasoline and other chemicals spread due to the speeding cars and the amount of vehicles, Y/N was seated comfortably in the backseats of a sleek black mercedes, its outerior and interior speaking volumes for the pricey ride. In the front, a man in a light brown shirt and a dainty chain adorning his neck gripped the steering wheel, he introduced himself as Inosuke. That day, Y/N had been shown off to the other members of the bonten higher class, her partner being one at the top himself - Haitani Rindou. From then on, Inosuke took Y/N to any and every destination. Shopping in the busy streets of Shibuya? You got it. The office Y/N was given by bonten as their highest ranked manager in terms of entertainment? You got it.
On that way, Inosuke and Y/N had grown closer as friends, what seemed like a simple and solely business relationship soon formed a bond of mutual understanding and trust between the two. Y/N's life had changed drastically after starting to date Rindou, that was for sure. She couldn't simply go out with her friends, the same people she used to call co-workers before becoming such an important manager, her promotion that she had fought for so hard was definitely reason enough for her neglecting those friends, but more importantly it was because of how worried Rindou always was. Though the man did not seem like it, the thought of leaving his beloved alone with people he didn't know, was enough to make him tense, muscles burning as he would fight the urge to just pull her in and have her by his side at all times.
Regardless of that, there was never guaranteed safety, she would get targeted, if there wasn't someone alongside her to protect her from the malicious enemies bonten had.
Therefore, even the ten minute ride to the headquarters where Rindou had requested Y/N to come to was in the company of Inosuke.

Y/N couldn't even fathom how a kind man like Inosuke would be working for bonten in the first place. He was a mystery despite of being her friend.
"Say, Inosuke. How did you get into bonten." Y/N suddenly spoke, breaking the thick veil of comfortable silence.
For a minute it seemed like Inosuke had purposefully ignored her questing, jaw clenching at her question before his gaze shifted to meet hers for a second, abandoning the booming streets.
"How someone like me got into a gang like bonten you mean." He snickered, sending a crimson of embarrassment up her ears and cheeks, nodding slightly.
"I was in debt. My father was a drunk with a gambling addiction. After he passed, he left me with his debt and his loan sharks hunted me down. That is..Until Mr. Haitani found me and offered me a job and paid off my bills in a day. I never questioned my deliveries. To be honest, I like the kick of it. It's better than fighting and stealing for your daily bread," he sighed, clearing his throat once he was finished with explaining, "Plus, the company I got at the moment isn't too bad." Winking at her, his eyes only left momentary to look at her before fixing onto the streets again.

Humming in understanding, the woman turned her head, looking outside of the darkened window, observing the large building she was oh so familiar with come in sight.
Not too long after, the two arrived at the destination of the day. Quickly, Insouke hurried outside, after taking the spot meant for the car that he drove, opening the door for Y/N one hand assisting her in getting ouf the car. Even when she had told him she didn't need that, he completely ignored her request, gloved hand always darting out to help her.
Outside, she flattened the slightly wrinkled pencil skirt that hugged her curves like second skin, sitting high around her waist. It was of charcoal colour, a dark green blouse tucked inside paired with a same coloured bag and pumps, her black blazer draped over her shoulders in a casual manner as she stepped outside, fixing herself one last time, slipping the small mirror, she had grabbed to check on her makeup, inside of the medium sized leather bag, the golden adornments complimenting the thin jewelry she wore.
Giving her driver and friend a kind smile before letting him lead her to the entrance at the front, walking behind her as his eyes were focused on their surroundings, just in case.
Coming to the entrance, she happened to be fairly interested in chatting with the driver, her face slightly turned, thus not seeing the tall, lean, yet well built man in front of herself, almost bumping into the unknown person before Inosuke's eyes widened, his hand grasping her arm as he pulled her towards himself, her back meeting his muscular chest.
As both finally fully faced the stranger, Y/N felt a rush of relief walk over her.

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