Chapter 13

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The early dawn light woke Lily up, she got dressed, put her shoes on, grabbed her remaining school work, and went back to the library. Luckily, this time it's closer now than yesterday, so she quickly made her way to one of her favorite locations in the school, when she got there, she went to the exact same spot that she sat yesterday, and organized her things before leaping into the work. Once everything was properly sorted she went back to her studies, she had to write a full report on changing the form and appearance of an object, animal, or person for Transfiguration. Transfiguration was a branch of magic that focused on the alteration of the form or appearance of an object, via the alteration of the object's molecular structure. They were, in ascending order of difficulty: Transformation, Untransfiguration, Vanishment, and Conjuration. First, Transfiguration itself, This refers to any Transfiguration that deformed or altered the target in some way.
It should be noted that whilst this branch of transfiguration was the first covered in the Hogwarts curriculum, containing simple transfigurations such as match to needle, which was our first lesson of grasping the basics of Transfiguration it also pertained to the most complex and dangerous forms of transfiguration too. Transformation was divided into three sub-types, each with their own divisions and all of which overlapped with one another to some degree:
Human Transfiguration follows under this category. Human Transfiguration was a sub-branch of Transfiguration and a form of transformation in which one transfigured human body parts or an entire human being into another form. This branch was more difficult than any other and is only taught at N.E.W.T.-level. One of the spells learned in the sixth year at Hogwarts was the transfiguration of the colour of one's eyebrows. Many general human Transfiguration spells existed, this category housed the following type of Transformation magic as well: Animagus (a wizard that elected to turn into an animal), Metamorphmagus (the rare ability to change physical appearance at will), and werewolves (they however had no choice).
Untransfiguration is the next one for this category, Untransfiguration was the art of reversing a previous transfiguration, being therefore considered both a transfiguration and a counter-spell. It was a mysterious branch of transfiguration. It was known that untransfiguration for failed transformations was taught early. Reparifarge was a general spell used to counter the effects of a Transformation spell that was poorly performed and only partially transfigured the object in question. This spell was covered in A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration. Next, is Switching, Switching was another sub-type of transformation magic. During switching, a physical feature from one of the two targets was switched with that of another, hence the name. It differed from a straight transformation in two ways: firstly, switching targets affected two objects simultaneously; secondly, the change in one of the pair was dependent on a change in the other. It is difficult to gauge the relative difficulty of switches exactly compared to other types of transfiguration because the exact year in which they were learned isn't known. Then there is Trans-Species Transformation, Trans-Species Transformation was a sub-branch of transformation magic in which one organism was transformed into something of a different species. This is a term which referred to transformation magic that (partially or completely) changed the target organism into a new species. It included Cross-species Switches and hence had some overlap with switching magic. The only noted sub-branch to be more difficult was Human Transfiguration. Next, there is Vanishment, Vanishment was the art of causing things to Vanish; to "make things go into non-being". The difficulty of the Vanishment to be performed positively correlated with the complexity of the organism to be Vanished (for example, snails, as invertebrates, were easier to Vanish than mice, which are mammals). Vanishment was moderately difficult — learned in fifth year — and was considered one of the hardest transfigurations to be tested on in one's O.W.L. Strangely, only one incantation was needed to Vanish any object - Evanesco , Latin for "disappear" (with the intent of the caster alone directing it), unlike conjurations (which could require a variety of complicated incantations). Finally, there's Conjuration, Conjuration was the art of conjuring things ("bringing things into being") and hence was the opposite of Vanishment. It was harder than its counterpart, being a N.E.W.T.-level feat, and was taught to sixth and seventh years at Hogwarts. It was also considered to be very advanced magic, though some conjurations were considered simpler then others. There were numerous restrictions (both in Law and Nature) placed on the art of Conjuration, unlike Vanishment which appeared to be unrestricted. For example, something that was conjured would not last (or, "remain in being"), but it is unknown whether or not something that was vanished could forever remain in non-being if left to its own devices.
"That takes care of that report, going to the next one." Lily thought to herself as she grabbed the next set of paperwork for the next subject, it was for Charms, she had to write a full description report on the Softening Charm. The Softening Charm (Spongify) was a charm that softens objects, making them rubbery and bouncy. The Softening Charm was part of the first-year Charms syllabus at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It was covered in The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk, as well as having a specific spellbook for the charm. "Spongify" means to to "turn into a sponge," which makes sense, as objects affected by this spell become sponge-like in consistency.

"That one felt very short on this specific charm, I feel like there should be more." Lily thought, but, alas, there was no further information on the charm. So, Lily had to go to the next subject, Herbology, this was to cover the spell to use against the Devil's Snare, the Lumos Solem Spell. The Lumos Solem Spell (Lumos Solem) was a charm used to produce a blinding flash of sunlight. As Devil's Snare hated sunlight and heat, this particular Light-creation spell was quite effective towards subduing it. This charm was covered in first year Herbology classes at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in order to teach students how to basically defend themselves against the Devil's Snare. Derived from two words; the Latin lumen, meaning "light," and the Latin solis, meaning "of the sun," indicating that this spell produces "light of the sun."

"This one was a very short as well, I feel like there is something missing in these extremely not very long reports. Hopefully, this last one will be as long as the Astrology report." Lily thought and went on to the final subject, Potions, she had to give a very descriptive report on the Sleeping Drought of what the potion actually is, how to put the ingredients in the brew, and what ingredients in exact order to how much you put in. The Sleeping Draught, also known as the Sleeping Potion, was a potion that caused the drinker to fall almost instantaneously into a deep but temporary sleep. A standard Sleeping Draught differed from the Draught of Living Death, which was much more powerful, long-lasting, and difficult to brew. Hermione Granger referred to the Sleeping Draught as "simple, but powerful". Its recipe could be found in Magical Drafts and Potions and the Book of Potions.Its usual ingredients included Flobberworm Mucus, lavender, Valerian sprigs and Standard Ingredient. When brewed correctly, the potion should have turned a dark purple colour.

The ingredients and precisely how much you need that go into the potion are:
Add 4 sprigs of Lavender to the mortar.
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to the mortar.
Crush into a creamy paste using the pestle.
Add 2 blobs of Flobberworm Mucus to your cauldron.
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron.
Gently heat for 30 seconds.
Add 3 measures of the crushed mixture to your cauldron.
Wave your wand.
Leave to brew and return in 70 minutes (time depends on cauldron).
Add 2 measures of Standard Ingredient to your cauldron.
Heat on a high temperature for 1 minute.
Add 4 Valerian Sprigs to your cauldron.
Stir 7 times, clockwise.
Wave your wand to complete the potion.

To get the actual ingredients into the brew you have to

Crush the wormwood, add to cauldron. Stir slowly.
Chop the valerian, add to cauldron, and apply a high heat.
Juice your Flobberworm and add its thick mucus to your cauldron.
Stir vigorously, apply a low heat and then give it another stir.
Chop the Sopophorous bean and add to cauldron.
Stir the mixture quickly, then heat.
Add a sprinkle of powdered asphodel petals and a dash of essence of nettle.
Heat the potion a final time, then stir slowly.
Wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion.

"That should do it," Lily thought, she put her finished school work from the first subject that she has tomorrow, to her final class, which is the order she had done all of her work, then, peering through the window, the sunlight started to grow brighter for the sun was rising into the sky. "I actually thought there would be a lot more work to do than this considering I missed an entire week of school, but luckily, I'm all caught up." Lily reassured herself and headed out of the library for there now was now no longer a reason to linger there where she had no more work to get done, so she put her work in the common room, then decided to enjoy the rest of the day with a stroll especially since it looked like it was going to be a magnificent day for it.

A Fanfic of George Weasley and Lily SnowWhere stories live. Discover now