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Late September 1935

"Keep up, Steve!" 13-year old Flora said.

Steve tried running faster, but collapsed.

Instantly, Flora turned back. She rushed towards her friend and knelt in front of him. "Steve? Are you all right?"

Steve panted and nodded. "Yeah. I think so."

She sat next to him, handing him some chocolate. "I'm not sure if this will help. What you need is your inhaler."

"We'd have to walk all the way back." He took the chocolate. "Thank you. Did you see the latest news?"

"Of the Nuremberg Laws? Yes. I've heard hushed conversations of what Hitler may do next."

"I doubt he'll come to the United States, Flor."

Flora shook her head slowly. "No, you don't know that. My folks are terrified. Admittedly, I am as well. What if we're sent back to Germany? Dachau sounds like a terrifying place."

Steve took his friend's hands. "You and your family will be safe here, okay?"

"How do you know? You can't promise the future."

"Well no, but I'll keep you safe."

"And how do you plan to manage that?"

"By doing whatever you need. Bucky's been teaching me to box and it's paying off. I think."

"Is it now? I'm glad he's helping you better defend yourself. Speaking of, where is that flirt?"

"Probably the docks. You wanna visit him?"

"Only if you're up for it."

Steve nodded and stood. He held his hand out to Flora and she took it, mostly using her weight to pull herself up.

The two made their way to the docks and Bucky smiled, seeing them.

Bucky put a wrench down and walked up to the two. "Hey." He winked at Flora and she rolled her eyes. "I had to try."

Flora shook her head. "Your charms won't work on me, Barnes."

"Right, because you're not susceptible to my charming looks and winning smile."

"Buck, drop it."

Bucky smirked. "Dropped for now. What are you two doing here?"

"We wanted to come see you," Steve replied.

"I have to finish a few things, but I'll be off soon."

A man noticed the group of friends and narrowed his eyes. "You boys shouldn't be here with the likes of her. Go back to where you came from girlie."

Steve pushed Flora behind him. "Don't talk about her like that."

"It's all right," Flora whispered. "I'm used to it."

"Well you shouldn't be." He raised his fists.

The man laughed. "You're gonna fight me?"

"Apologize to the girl and we'll call it square."

Flora stood in front of Steve. "It's fine. It doesn't matter."

Bucky pulled her back and said, "Let's go. I'm calling it for the day. You oughta be ashamed of yourself, Will."

"Jewish sympathizers!" Will spat as Steve and Bucky left with Flora.

They stopped in front of a diner and Flora burst into tears.

Bucky pulled her into his arms, running a hand up and down her back as he said, "You shouldn't be ashamed of who you are and what you believe."

Flora shook her head. "I'm not ashamed of my beliefs." She held up the star of David. "Why do you think I wear this? But with Hitler's persecution of Jews getting worse, maybe I should protect myself and my family."

Steve shook his head. "You shouldn't have to hide who you are."

"Who I am will get me and my parents killed one day."

Bucky smiled softly at the redhead. "We're not gonna let that happen, Flor."

"Can you stop a dictator who will only get worse?"

"It's worth a shot, right?"

"Maybe so." She hugged them, one after the other. "Thank you both."

Steve smiled. "You're our friend. There's nothing we wouldn't do for you."

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