Bucky » Trigger Word (Pt 2)

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"Daddy.. daddy. Daddy.." You were out of breath when Bucky shoved his entire cock inside of you. You winched in pain but Bucky kissed the tears away, hand still on your throat. He let you adjust to his thiccness and you were gratefully because that was one fat ass dick.

He finally began to move and you held your breath. His thrusts were slow at first. But they picked up speed very quickly and soon, he was ramming into you and you were a moaning mess. But you couldn't really moan too much as his hand was choking you, you were sure that was going to leave a mark. And you didn't mind a bit.

You would've covered your face out of embarrassment but he had your hands up. You eventually bucked your hips into Bucky and stuck out your tongue, feeling zero percent of shame right now.

Who had time for insecurities when you were getting fucked by Bucky Barnes?

Bucky grunted and groaned, making you feel like you were about to explode. An unfamiliar knot that had been building in you felt like it was about to come undone. Your breathing picked up and your pupils dilated, you let out another moan.

"Fuck, cumming, I'm fucking cumming~" You announced in a dry voice to Bucky and he thrusted faster.

"Cum with me, (Y/n), please." He said, letting go of your throat and kissing your shoulder, marking it as well. "Cum with me." He said and you nodded, too involved in your activities to speak.

"It's here, fuck it~" You let out a gasp as you came with Bucky, tears rolling of your face as you scream out a bit. Orgasms also hit different.

You and Bucky had both cum. But the bitch didn't stop. You were confused but didn't have time to question Bucky's life choices as he kept his pace. You could feel all the cum leaking out of you, both a mixture of yours and your lover's.

"Oh, shit, Bucky. What the hell~" You curl your toes as he hit your sweet spot. "OH NO, IMMA CUM AGAIN." Once more, tears streamed down your face, but not from any pain, from the pleasure this man was giving you.

You looked into Bucky's eyes as you came undone and it just made it all the more better. You held back your screams by biting down on your lip until it bled. Bucky kissed you, wiping the blood out and you blushed.

"WHY. AREN'T. YOU. STOPPING." You asked with each thrust and he smirked.

"Trigger Word." He said, as if you were supposed to understand what the hell he meant. You suddenly gasped in realization.

"Fucking daddy," He played with your clit when you said this. "FUCK." He hit your g-spot again and you just gave up at this point.

"Too much for you?" He asked, concerned, but it sounded wayyy to damn smug.

"You don't know how much c0ck I can take!" You said cock oddly and Bucky smiled. It quickly disappeared when you moaned. You came and Bucky finally stopped, pulling out of you. You were both a panting mess and as soon as Bucky put you on your feet, you fell on the ground immediately.

"Shit—" Bucky carried you bridal style in his arms and sighed. "Sorry, I was a bit feral there, right?" You shook your head.

"No, I don't think the author knew what they were doing, it is like 11 in the night for them and they play to stay up all night doing absolutely nothing, but that was fucking hot." Bucky rose a brow but shrugged and kissed your forehead.

"You have a bruise on your neck." He mentioned.

"Think the team will notice?"

Few Hours Later....

You stab your broccoli with a work and sniff it. Putting it back on the plate and making a disgusted face.

"Eat your vegetables, (Y/n)." Steve said and you rolled your eyes.

"What's that on your neck, (Y/n)?" Natasha asked as she walked behind you but stopped when she saw this. You sat tensely and looked to Bucky for help but he was eating peacefully.

"Uhhhhhh, I was walking my fish and I got sunburnt." You said and Bucky facepalmed.

"But it's raining outside—"

"We had sex." Bucky says plainly. You snap your head to him and the team glares in his direction.

"Babe," You call him, "Run." The Avengers pull out their weapons from any random direction and you don't question it. Bucky sat there for a second, but got up and ran as fast as he could. The Avengers all followed him. Even Steve was out for blood.

You sighed and looked at the broccoli.

"Just the two of us, we can make it if we try." You put the veggie in your mouth and spit it out immediately.

"Yeah, no, imma go visit Wattpad."

Hahahaha, this was so fun to write. Sorry for mistakes, I tried not to put any of my funny skits in there! \(°o°)/

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