Bucky » Naps & Kisses

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[Takes place at a random time, use your imagination and this is pure fluff]

You sit crossed legged at the kitchen island with a cat face on as you watch Bucky Barnes eat his fruity loops. He took a bite and glanced at you, the spoon still in his mouth. He looked away and took the spoon out of his mouth, chewing his cereal. You just continued watching him as your face was in your hands.

"Do you have superpowers like turning stuff to ice?" You asked out of nowhere and Bucky's eyes met yours again.

"No, no I don't." He said with a smile and you nodded.

"Do you get cold?" You asked and he took another bite of his cereal, nodding.

"Cool, cool." You mumble as you smile slightly. You spin around on the bar stool chair thing and face him again. "Do your eyes change colour?" You ask and he rose a brow.

"That has nothing to do with ice." He said with a small chuckle and you shrugged. "And why not ask Steve all these questions, [Y/n]?" He asked and you squealed, falling off the chair. "Oh my God, are you ok?" Bucky asked as he hopped off the bar stool, picking you up but you stood up straight before anything. You had a weird ass grin on and Bucky was absolutely confused.

"You remembered my name!" You said and started to tear up. "This is the best day of my life." You said before you fainted. Luckily for you, Bucky caught you just in time and was a little bit in shock.

What's wrong with you? You fainted after he remembered your name. You were crazy, Bucky had concluded. He stared at your unconscious form and smiled for some unknown reason. You were actually pretty adorable when you weren't ranting, falling of stools and fainting.

He carried you to the couch and layed you down, eating his cereal and waiting for you to wake up. He cleaned up his dishes and covered you with a blanket. He watched your sleeping form with slightly amused eyes. You were sleep talking, speaking of stealing Thor's pop tarts. He chuckled and brushed some hair out of your face. You were probably having the best dream ever. He leaned back against the couch as he closed his eyes, waiting for you to get up.

Slowly, he faded into La La Land himself. The Avengers walked past you both from time to time, Tony taking pictures while Steve simply smiled at the scene before him. Of course, Natasha had shushed Tony out of the room since you and Bucky were sleeping.

Somehow, Bucky ended up next to you and covered himself. You woke up and it was night. When you felt a presence next to you, you wanted to run away or jump or something but when you saw Bucky, you smiled slightly. You yawned and woke up slowly, careful not to pull Bucky out of his sleep, and covered a sleeping Bucky properly as the blanket was wildly draped over him. You went to find your brother, Bruce, soon after.

"Bucky and you are good for eachother, [Y/n]." Bruce says as he and Tony worked on something you payed no mind to. You were seated on the table about 2 meters away from them. You sighed and moved your legs.

"No way. Dude thinks I'm crazy." You say and Tony chuckles.

"No offense, but you are." Tony says and gestures for you to hand him a screwdriver. "AHH!" Tony yells and sees that you've thrown the screwdriver and it went into the table he and Bruce were working on. "Don't so that!" He said and you got off the table.

"Then don't call me crazy."

"Bucky said the same thing!"

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