Loki » Spark Something

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Cause I'm feelingI haven't proof read tho.
Love ya.

You were sitting by the window, being depressed and what not, looking at the buildings. You were eating cereal, vibing to music on your headphones as the people below carried on with their day. You let out a sigh and dropped the spoon into the bit of milk that was left and got up to wash your dishes.

As soon as you turned, your face smacked into a chest, your headphones falling off your head due to the impact, as well as the bowl you were eating out off. You thought you were about to lose your beloved headphones but a pale hand had caught it before it dropped.

You were relieved. But those hands looked wayy too familiar. You looked up to see a smiling God of Mischief, who was in his full outfit as he looked down at you.

You backed away and had a sheepish smile plastered on your face.

"Uh, hello." You greet. Loki examines the headphones in his hand and places it on the table, along with your bowl.

"Hello, there." You awkwardness level on 100, you watch as he just stands there with you, saying nothing. "You're not fond of speaking, are you?" He asked. You just looked away.

"What gave it away?" You scratch the back of your neck and he smirks.

"I am Loki, of.." He trails off and you stick your hand out before he could say anything more. Thor had explained the sticky situation Loki was in, you overhead it as he was speaking to the team.

"Leather, I know." You smile, hand still extended. He raised a brow. "Loki of Leather." You start to sweat. "Uh, you just wear a lot of leather, that's why I said that. Sorry if I offended you—" You ramble and Loki hesitantly shakes your hand. Your eyes widen a bit but you manage to calm down and shake his hand firmly.


You think as you feel his skin. Your hands are rough from scrubbing dishes for years, not to mention the other housework you would do..

"My name is (Y/n).. I help out around the compound.." You explain and he nods.

"Wonderful to meet you." He says. You release his hand but he's still holding on, which confused the living hell out of you, but you ignore it as he lets go. "My apologies, it's just your hand. It's different from the others I've held." You nod slowly, trying your best not to be awkward. "Did I make it creepy?" He asked, a little laugh at the end.

You put both your hands up, "Nah, you're good." You say with a small smile. "Were you looking for one of the Avengers?" You asked. He sighed in annoyance at the mention of their name.

"Yes, I am supposed to be here. But everyone seems to be too busy." He says and you thought about it. You snapped your fingers.

"They have a meeting." You say. "But I'm sure they'll be back soon. Although, it's weird that they didn't tell me that they're having a guest." You say, mainly to yourself, but Loki had heard.

"Maybe this was too important, confidential, even." He says and you agree. "And I doubt they'd view me as a guest, darling." Trying to ignore the name he called you, you just nod. Loki and you stood in the center of the kitchen for a few more seconds.

"Do you want something.. To eat?" You asked. He raised a brow and smirked.

"What did you have in mind?" You kinda blushed at his words and coughed into your hand.



You watch the God of Mischief for a second. The Avengers had said that this person had a cunning and shrewd mind. He treated people terrible and had no respect for anybody. He hurt a lot of people and is the worst. But here he is, eating scrambled eggs and drinking orange juice at his enemy's table.

Hey, he's kinda cute.

You think. He glances up at you and you look away, naturally. He smiles and shifts in his seat.

"Thank you for the meal."

And he has manners.

You smile.

"It was my pleasure." You would've never made a proper breakfast for yourself, but he's worth the work. You didn't really want to mess anything up.

"You haven't eaten anything." He mentions.

And he's sweet.

You smile and shake your head, "I had breakfast already. Thank you." You say and he waves his hand.

"That stuff isn't breakfast. It's grass and milk." You couldn't help but laugh at this. You tried to control yourself but just ended up laughing more. You put your face in one hand and pinched the bridge of your nose.

"Loki, God of Jokes.." You mutter but he caught it, smirking in victory.

"Glad I could bring a smile to your face." He said and you smiled, feeling self conscious as his eyes were on you. You got up and started taking the dishes to the kitchen. You heard the chair shift and dishes clank. Loki places the dishes on the counter and clears the rest of the table.

Wow, he's even helping me.

You hide the smile that's playing on your lips and look at the door, where the Avengers had just walked through.

"Morning, (Y/n)— OH MY GOD." Everyone's attention is at Loki as they stare at him. You look at him and raise a brow.

"Ok. I may or may not have informed anyone I'd be arriving at this very moment." You facepalm and sigh. 

"You broke out of your cell, brother?" Thor asked.

"Maybe." Loki shrugged and held it there, "Maybe not." You shake your head.

And he's still the God of Mischief..

To be continued......




Haha. This was fun to write.

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