Ideas 2

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A/N: again, unedited

Ideas PT 2


Aboa at training camp Tokyo

Everyone had to run up and down the hill until it hurt to move.

Teams were struggling to get close to the top spot but Karasuno held it, followed byFukurodani. Karasuno won because they would run up and down death hill.

Karasuno: 61 times

Fukurodani: 41 times up and down

Nekoma: 39 times up and down (Kenma was put out for this bc he will fight whoever makes them do this)

Ubugawa: 31 times

Shinzen: 31 times

It was Aboa turn. What they didn't know is that Aboa has a special welcoming ceremony. You run till you vomit, either I. The street or bushes. This was to remind everyone what would happen is the coaches were pushed to far.

Aboa kept going and going. By the time they reached 60 they were almost done. They ended with 78 times.

Yaku and Russian team go to JAPAN and meet Kuroo during midnight train

"We have the cabin alone, not surprising given the time of night." -someone from Russian team 1

"You excited to be back Morisuke?" -Number 2 person

"Yeah, it feels good." -Yaku

Sit on train for an hour, 21:30 at night

Kuroo boards train and sits across from Yaku

Kuroo pretends to take a call

"Yeah, I'm sitting in front of this shorty will anger issues."

Kuroo does his shit-eating grin

"I mean he kicks you and hits you for calling him short, he's stubborn, a bottom, and lacks docosahexaenoic acid." Kuroo looks directly at Yaku.

*I had to look up how to spell that, zero clue what it is.

Yaku stands

"Ok old fart. For someone who preferred king hair, Tsukishima-san's sure is short. Get you head outta your ass Kuroo or I might have to call Tsukishima to get it out." -Yaku laughed at Kuroo when his grin disappeared

The train came to a stop.

Kuroo stood to get off

"We are having a reunion, be there! We all miss you. You still have the chat so reply sometimes or I'll tell everyone you take it up the ass." -Kuroo grinned and started to walk away.

"You're an ass, I hope MBSY and Daishou-san are giving you hell. I'll be there." - yaku turned to the doors as Kuroo looked over his shoulder to see Yaku giving a smirk.

Take raised his hand flipped Kuroo off.

Kuroo let out an offending noise and Yaku laughed a little.

Then he left.

Yaku turned to see a stumped Russian team.


At the international camp, they meet Tsukishima.

Nohebi visits Kuguris house suislide password

"Kuguri just went to the market with his friend! They'll be back soon, tea?" -Kuguris mom

"Sure, thank you."

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