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Background: Yamagata, Semi, and Tendou are looking for Goshiki who finds them first.

Goshiki gently and quickly reached into Yamagata's pocket and pulled out his wallet. Goshiki quickly removed the money and slipped the wallet with the ID and credit cards back to their original place.

Sure, cards would get him farther but they were traceable and had a limit. Money was easier to take since people often forgot whether or not they had it in the first place. 

He started to walk away when a hand grabbed his wrist.

"Where do you think you're going with that?" -Semi

Goshiki yanked his wrist back, punched Semi in the face, and ran. He turned down a street corner and ran into an alley, made a turn right, and a turn left. Goshiki hit a dead-end alleyway. He stops running for a moment, out of breath.

Semi Yamagata and Tendou are behind him, creeping closer.

"We just want to talk!" -Semi

"I'm sorry I took your money but you still have your cards and ID. So fck off." -Goshiki

"We need your skills with pickpocketing and safes. We know about your crimes that you 'didn't commit." -Yamagata

Goshiki panics, how to get away, and fast. He grabs dirt and throws it up into the air making a cloud of dust. He jumps on the dumpster next to him and jumps over the fence.

"Damn! Catch him, quick!" -Tendou

They jump the fence but can't find Goshiki in the maze of alleyways. They catch split up. Eventually, they converge on a busy outdoor square after chasing him for 10 mins.

Goshiki slows down and puts up his hood and puts his phone to his ear, blending in with the crowd. He goes to the back of the square and wanders into another alleyway. He starts running again after he spots them. They see him run and start to follow.

Goshiki prepares to jump over a fence again and he succeeds, clearing the fence.

Goshiki started to run out of the alley to an empty street, to freedom, when Shirabu steps in the middle of the way to stop him. He turns quickly to pass Shirabu when Ushijima grabs the back of his jacket. 

He yanks Goshiki back, towards him. Ushijima knees Goshiki in the stomach and he vomits on the sidewalk. He stands Goshiki up and punches him in the face. The force of the punch sends Goshiki back and he hits his head on the ground and he passes out.

"Got him." -Shirabu smiles smugly.

"Why did you hit him that hard?!" -Yamagata checks to make sure he is alive.

"He's still a kid." -Tendou

"Wait, what? How old is he?" -Semi

Ushijima picks up Goshiki's wallet and reads his age.

"Goshiki is 18 years old. At least two years younger than anyone active in our group right now." -Ushijima

"What pushed the kid to start stealing in the first place?" -Semi

"Trust me Semi. There is a point where you don't care about the consequences anymore, just the fact that you're alive." -Tendou

"Let's get him outta here. I'm hungry, we'll bring some food back to base." -Shirabu

Ushijima picks up Goshiki and he sets him in the van that pulled up at the sidewalk. 

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