Ideas PT 5

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Ideas PT 5


Cat boy Goshiki mafia

"We are going to meet someone." -Tendou

"Who? Never heard of them." -Shibata

"Ohhh that's right! He's our resident Cat boy!" -Tendou

"Don't know we had one." -

"Ahhh. He's been with us for a while. Cat people aren't treated well. Ushijima found him when he was sob f a raid at the age of 10z they are rare and mostly used for pleasure at a young age."

"That's horrible!"

"He was 8 and wasn't a virgin, obviously. Ushijima convinced his father to keep him around. He did start to train and started doing missions. He's sweet but kiddish."

"Ohh. His name?"

"Goshiki Tsutomu."

Shiratorizawa break in

"We need you three to break in at the party and shut down the systems so we can get in the next day." -Semi

"Why not during the party?" -Shibata

"Because too much security. The next day it will be more relaxed." -Yamagata

"But! We need costumes! And that's where Goshiki comes in!" -Tendou

"As much as I respect you all I refuse!" -Goshiki

"Come on! People won't really notice you're a cat boy! You can go as a circus performer cat boy!" -Tendou

"No!" -Goshiki

"It's perfect! It's a circus masquerade! You'll be perfect!"-Tendou

"Besides. You won't be seen that much. Your guns are the person to leave their They stay." -Ushijima

Oikawa and rumors

"My friend Makki and I would start rumors. We would walk down the hall at the beginning of the day and make something up! I was very popular and he was too since we were on the volleyball team. He would say something and I would post along." -Oikawa

"What the most rumors y you've started."

"I once had my dear childhood friend say 'I heard this rumor...' and I responded with 'Makki and I started 16 today, you heard one?' He wasn't very happy about that."

"Where these ever about people."

"Actually Makki and I had rules. If we started it as a rumor it had to be one that goes away fast and doesn't hurt or negatively affect anyone. If it's about someone we ask them if it's ok. We don't want to bully people it's just fun."

Oikawa in a show

"We have some quotes that you said to one family member that we have with us right now. Ok?" -Interviewer


"Are you stupid? You can't go killing people! You stupid fcking piece of shit!' Wow."

"Hahaha! That's my sister Kirira! We talk to each other like we are cursing God."

Kirira comes out.

"Hey fcker." -Kirira

"Hey, adult child!"'

Someone being racist of Oikawa

"First off, Karate is Japanese, not Chinese, and performed in a taiquando studio which is Korean! You can't be racist when talking about the wrong race dumbass." -Oikawa was laughing his ass off

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