chapter 7

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(BG) Gallo pov:

We were all sitting in the briefing room lisining to what CPD had to say. I'm confused Kidd never talks about her past or these people but most of the people here in this room know who CPD is talking about.
HV: we have trased the fingerprints to two people.
Cp: who are they and why do they have pictures of Kidd
S: just let him finish
HV: as i was saying we found printa of two peope. Kidd do you know Grant Smith and Tyler Reed?
*everyone exept me , violet and ritter look shocked*
K: y...yeah why?
HU: the room is under the name of grant and the DNA is a match to theirs
C: so what happens now??
H: is there something you aren't telling us??
* CPD looks at each other*
Cz: come on spit it out.
KA: there was a note with all kind of information about Stella, like her number, adres etc.
K: what??? How did they got that??
HV: we don't know for sure
B: well where does she need to go now? You can stay at my place if you want.
R: or with my and Gallo
H: Annabel would love if you came to us
M: Trudy wouldn't mind if....
*mouch got cought off by Grislog*
G: you can stay with my or here in the bunkroom.
* everybody looks at him annoyed*
G: sorry i just head you guys talking and wanned to...
*gets cought off by Burges*
KB: we already have a solusion, but thanks tough. You can you to your office this doesn't concern you.
G: it does accually and i'm really disipointed in everyone here especially Kidd cause i really like you stella. But i will go now.
JH: yeah, didn't look like it when we got here. Keep walking when we're  done we'll let you know.
K: everyone thanks for the invite but i can handle it myself, and you guys...
*kidd looks at CPD*
K:  thanks for your help
KB: stella i understand that you life with Casey and Severide correct??
C+S+K: yeah
KB: okey the three of you will stay at Trudy and mouch their house.
K: thank you Kim
KB: no problem if there is anything els just cal me
*CPD left*

I heard the name Tyler and Grant to me they didn't sound formiliar but for almost everyone it did. Violet spoke up
V: sorry to ask but who are Tyler and Grant?
K: uhm.. Grant is my ex husband and Tyler was a good friend..
R: tyler wasn't he your best friend who came here a copple years ago?
K: yeah he was, that was until he tried to kiss me then he was nothing anymore
S: wait what when did that happen
K: just forget i said anything
*kidd wants to walk away*
C: kidd can i talk to you for  a moment?
K: sure

*kidd and Casey walk away*

(C) casey pov:

I was shocked when Voight said it were Grant and Tyler, didn't see that one comming. Just when i tought her day couldn't get any worse this happend.
I ask kidd for a moment to talk, i want to ask her what happend with Grislog.
C: so what happend with Grislog?
K: nothing why?
C: kelly and I heard you yell and we never heard you yell before and never saw you this angry
K: well some people deserve it
* kids tears up*
C: hey what happend, you can tell me
K: he said things and brought up my past. I just don't understand how does he know about my past??
C: what did he say??
S: he said i was a terrible firefighter and a terrible person, but i don't know why
C : me neither but lisen to me, you are amazing on the job and as an person. And so you know you will be on truck no matter what he says.
* they hug each other*

I tell the others about what kidd just told me and they were as mad as i am. We all were angry and happy shift was over.

(S) severide pov:

Because of grant and Tyler we can't go home. Casey, stella and i are going to sleep at mouch and trudy their house just to be sure.
I look aside from me as i'm laying in bed and see Stella finally asleep.  I have to protect her from Grant and Tyler, they both have hurt her so much. She deserves better and i'm going to protect her. 
I fall slowly asleep when suddenly in the middle of the night a window breaks.
I turn around and see that stella is still beside me, i hold her tight and fall back asleep.

We wake up by someone who is knocking on the door, its casey and he walks in
C: morning slept well??
S: yeah great, just hope this ends soon
K: me too, i want it to be over and also for Boden to come back
S: and than Grislog leaves, its the best solusion.
* they laugh*
*they all get ready and walk down*

(K) Kidd pov:

Severide, Casey and I are ready and walk down, we see mouch reading the paper and drinking coffee.... what a surprise.
M: hey good morning did you guys sleep good?
K: yeah, i slept good thans again
M: no need to thank me, do we ride together or by our selfs
S: we can care pool
K: i' m driving
C: fine
*leave the house and get in the car*
S: did anybody hear the glass breaking in the middle of the night?
C: yes i did, i was looking where it came from but couldn't find it
M: i did, it was in the kitchen. A roxk was thrown in with a message on it
K: what did it say??
M : the past comes back to hunt you
*they all are confused and arrive at 51*
S: what does that mean?
C: it means that maybe grant and Tyler know that we are staying with Mouch and Trudy

This stuff is creeping me out! I was all happy before this happend, kelly and i are engaged and now this happend. We need to worry about wedding olanning not a ex husband and a ex friend how have a room filled with picures of me.
* we all get changed in the locker room and head to the briefing room*

When we got there chief was standing there and was happy to see us
CB: okey everyone settle down settle down, i heard what happend and i dicided to come back. From now on Casey will be in charge of this house and am i your new Deputy District Chief.
*everyone cheers*
CB: Severide will be the captain of squad 3 and Kidd you are the Luitenant of truck 81. Congrats
*everyone is happy but than*
CB: i know commander Grislog wasn't a fan of women in the CFD, unfortunataly  i learned that to late. I'm sorry about that
K: this wasn't on you chief don't beat your self up about it
B: it isn't your fault chief
CB : thanks, that was the briefing next time its casey's turn ti give the briefing soo be prepared.
*severide opens the door*

When Kelly opens the door almost everyone  looks like we have seen a ghost. Before kelly could close it  it was to late
G: did i ms the briefing?
H: you did but it isn't any of your concern cuz you're done here.
G: am i?
K: yes you are!

Then i see something worse than Grislog, something i hoped never to see again.....

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