Chapter 5

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I  was practically shoved through the small opening at the top of the elevator.

"Hey! Watch where you put your hands!" I huffed, pulling myself out the rest of the way. 

"Well maybe you should try harder and actually move next time," she said, quickly getting out of the elevator. Way to make me feel like dog crap.

"Ok, so, plan?" I said, checking out my surroundings. Above me hung multiple cables and on the side openings for the actual elevator.

"If we can climb up to one of the openings and pry one of those doors open, we're home free. Above us is floor 5, which just happens to be Felix's old floor," she stated, her tone quickly deflated from excited to saddened. 

"Ok," I said, not ready to give her a 'It'll get better' talk yet. All that mattered was getting out of here before the feds started to move the elevator again; or whatever the heck they were. Crime Investigators?

All of a sudden, the elevator beneath me started to rumble, and with a loud din of clanking metal, the big rusty contraption underneath us started to vibrate.

"Shit," Avery mumbled under her breath. "They're trying to bring us up to their floor, which of course has to be the top floor. Ella, we need to make a break for it, stay quiet."

"What do you mean stay quiet-" I started as I was interupted my the sound of grinding metal. The elevator was moving! It started off slow but was slowly picking up pace the higher we got. The sick feeling at the bottom of my stomach started to form. If we didn't get back into the elevator soon, we were going to be crushed!

"Avery! We need to get back in there or we'll be crushed!' I shreiked, throwing my hands in the air, which didn't prove helpful as I lost my balance. 

Completely keeping her calm, Avery looked above us, as if we could go through the roof or something. I don't care, it was either get interrogated, or die. I was going to choose the first option.

I carefully started my way towards the trap door, lucky that the building itself, being so tall, gave me some time to ponder on what I was going to do. As I reached for the handle, the elevator slowed, coming to a complete stop.

I looked above me, and saw that the floor we were 'on' was labeled floor #15. Only 4 more floors to the top! 

I tried ripping the top door open but it wouldn't budge. 

"Avery! I need your help! If we can get back in there in time, we could escape the investigators!" I cried, glancing over at Avery.

To my surprise, she had already been monkey climbing to the door above us without hesitation. She pried it open quickly and with skill, jumping onto the floor. 

My eyes widened. She was going to leave me to die!

She poked her head back out and sprung her hand foward, begging me with quiet eyes to grab it. 

"I-" I started, but was violently interupted my the same sound of clashing metal. My adreniline started pumping, and I realized I had but one choice. I stayed on the same spot on top of the elevator as it started to slowly move, just as before.

I looked up to see Avery confused and afraid at what I was doing. 

Just as I was going to pass the floor, I took one step foward and violently thrusted myself towards the open elevator door, headbutting Avery as I landed.

Everything went black.

Avery's P.O.V

What the hell!?

Did this girl just seriously launch herself at me and almost knock me out? Oh, I sure hope not. All I tried to do was get away and I got stuck with this 'too-goodie' psycho? Oh may someone please help me?

I rised seconds after the collision, rubbing my hand on the small bump that had been starting to form already. On the side of me laid Ella, confusing stirring in her eyes. She soon rose to sitting position, rubbing her head as well.

"Way to go, nutjob," I murmered under my breath and helped her to her feet.

"I'm not a nutjob! You're the one who tried to run away from crime investigators! Not suspicious at all, no!" She chanted back at me, her voice rising. Ok, I guess that didn't help my case of not seeming like the murderer.

"Shh, don't be so loud! For sure they know we're not on that elevator anymore, and that we must be on a floor above 15. We'll soon get found out if we don't leave this place soon," I said, deciding to speak my mind and ignore her obvious statement.

"Ok, Sherlock, then explain to me how we're going to escape a hotel on the 15th story? Oh wait, I can just leave now! They won't know it's me!" She stated excitedly, jumping up and down like a little child.

"You do know that they most likely evacuated the entire hotel, have it scoped out, and probably heard your voice when you were screaming like a little girl, right?" I said matter-of-factly.

"Are you like, an experienced criminal?" she whispered, face mortified.

"No, I just have common sense."

She pouted her lips unknowingly and kicked the carpet. While this was happening I glanced sideways and noticed that a room was accidentally left open in the midst of the evacuation. 

I decided to cut the tantrum she was having short and dragged her into the room, quietly shutting the door behind us. If I was in this, she was too, and it didn't seem like she had a choice either way. Besides, it's great to have a 'partner in crime' you could say. Even though we didn't commit any crime.

"Now, keep your mouth shut, or I'll have to duct tape it shut myself," I stated, seeing her fakely zipping her mouth shut and throwing the 'key' to her side. "Second, we're going to have to escape from the open window."

"WHA-" she started, but then quickly shut her mouth, actually thinking I was going to fufill my promise. Where was I even going to get the duct tape? Oh well, better having her think I have some.

I poked my head out the side window, spotting a pool down below. Was it worth it? It didn't seem like the police cared about that area to scope out. It'd be my only chance of escaping.

You dumbass, just go to them and say you didn't murder me.

My eyes widened, and then closed again, attempting to mask the shock. It wasn't him, not again, it was purely a figment of my imagination. 

Avery, I know you can't hear me, but if there's a small chance you can, take my advice and DON'T JUMP.

"C'mon Ella, we're jumping," I said in a monotonous voice, ignoring the sigh of frustration from my 'friend' and the gasp from Ella behind me.

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