Chapter 1

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Third pov

Aryanna's day could be describe in one word. Horrible. Her morning started by her being late to school, which result in being called in front of the whole class. Then there where the boys, whom would, like always, try to get a date with her. Until then her day was normal, she is used to that. What made it horrible was her shift at the bar. Her boss's son was there, which meant that he would try to sleep with her. His behavior encouraged their clients that tried the same. She couldn't count on her hand how many times they hit on her, to get worse three grabbed her arm with left a bruise.

Tired and angry, she only wanted to get to her small home, take a good, hot shower and go to sleep. But it seams that the world was against her today. When she was about to get on her bed, she heard a noise outside. She couldn't count how many people where there, but she knew were all man. Fear starts to consume her, so she grabbed her baseball bat and went to her window. What she saw made her surprise. There were her favorites "actors", or so she thought. Surprised she hadn't noticed that she had opened the door.

Aryanna: Oh my God.

The people on her garden stopped shouting at each other when they noticed that there was someone there too. The men froze, the world around them disappeared, the only thing that they could see was her. A small blonde girl became the reason for their existence, nothing more mattered, they could die and kill for her. Rebekah, who had been quiet the whole time, noticed their expression and knowing what that meant barely hold her laugh.

Finn felt like his entire existence now had a porpoise in life, making her happy. All the thoughts of helping his mother to kill him and his siblings now vanished. Elijah was admiring her, she was the most beautiful person he has ever seen, the past lovers he had in the past now meant nothing to him. Klaus felt his wolf excited inside of him, he wants her, he want to give everything she has every desire. Kol wanted to get close to her, he wanted her by his side. Henrik felt his magic pull him towards her. Damon felt that the felling he had for Katharine and Elena were nothing compared to what he felt towards her. Stefan didn't felt hunger anymore, she was his anchor, his everything. Enzo felt free just by looking at her. Kai felt something in his heart for the first time and felt that he had magic. Elijah was the first to unfreeze.

Elijah: Hello Elsken, I'm sorry for the noise.

Aryanna: It's okay, but what are you doing here?

Elijah: We do not know, one moment we were in our mansion on the other we were here.

Aryanna noticed how serious he was, that create a doubt on her. If they were actors, they were doing a good job but where is the rest of the cast. If they are real vampires from the show it meant that they traveled to another universe and appeared in her garden. She didn't know what to believe.

Rebekah: Well, its late and I would like to not sleep under the stars. Could you let us in?

Aryanna, instead of saying that she could enter, she just moved to the side. It was a test to see with of the options were real. What she did count the attention of all there, it meant that she knew what they were and who they were. It made her mates afraid that she would be scared or worse she would hate them.

Rebeka: You know what we are.

Aryanna: I do.

Finn: How?

Aryanna: It's late, could I explain tomorrow?

Stefan: Sure, but could we come in?

Aryanna: Stefan, Elijah, Rebekah, Henrik and Finn, you guys can enter.

Klaus: What about us love?

Aryanna: Only if you promise not to hurt me.

They promised that they wouldn't hurt her. Like they could she was their mate, if she died they would wish they die or die with her. After they were all inside, they did like they promised and let her sleep. What she didn't know is that they stayed awake for a few more hours to finish introduction and to talk about the whole mate thing. They agreed to share her seeing that none of they could live without her. Rebekah could only wish good luck for the poor girl. Arter the talk they went to sleep, they went to the living room, guest room and some -Kol and Kai- went to sleep on Aryanna's bed with her.

Next day

Aryanna pov

I woke up by the smell of pancakes. They are my favorite. I tried to get up so I could go and eat but I felt stuck, like something was holding me down. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was a neck, looking up a little I saw Kai Parker. He was staring deep in my eyes, it made me blush, trying to hide I back down only to feel an arm around me. That's when I noticed that there was someone else here. I almost scream when I saw Kol.

Me: What are you too doing here?

Kol: Well we didn't want to sleep with my siblings and the others so we came here.

Aryanna: Sorry that there no other place you could sleep.

Kai: Its okay. We got to cuddle with you.

Rebekah: Kol!! Kai!! Let Aryanna go.

I heard both growled, for some reason, but it made me giggle. When they finally freed me I went downstair in my pajamas and saw that Damon was there making pancakes. As soon as I arrived Elijah appeared behind me, he put his hand in my back pushing me to seat. As soon as I sat down Damon put a plate of pancaked in front of me with blueberries making a vampire face.

Stefan: Not wanting to interrupt your breakfast, but how do you know what we are?

Me: Well, that's is har-

Klaus: Better question, what are those purple in your arms?

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